Naši avaldas eestlaste musta nimekirja DELFI
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Toomas Merilo29 Jan 2008 16:58
Noh! Enne kui mu “kolleeg” Maksim paneb mõne lõhestava mõtte kirja, võiksime kindlad olla, et NSVL’ile oli Eesti pagulaskond tõesti pind silmas.

See, et Laas Leivat on nüüd Naši turmtule alla sattunud, ainult tugevtab minu seisukohta, et EKN’il on oluline roll tulevikus. See, et Avo Kittask sealt puudub pole oluline.
Maxim.30 Jan 2008 13:33
Ma ei saa aru Sinu irooniast, Toomas. Kui viitsid mujalt vaadata, siis näed minu väga head vastust-pigem küsimusi-miks Laas on tule alla sattunud. Mina ei ole mingi Naši pooldaga, küll aga on mul tuhatüks küsimusi paljude väliseestlaste veenudmuses et Põhja Ameerika ei ole ega kunagi saa olla moraalselt võrreldav Nõukogude Liiduga. Paljuski olen poliitilistes küsimustes Hellar Grabbi mõttekaaslane.
Anonymous30 Jan 2008 13:48
Sina Maxim, kirjaoskmatu narr, pole kellegi mõttekaaslane.
Ära asjatult solva Grabbit.
Maxim.30 Jan 2008 14:02
Kõike teavad et mina olen üks vähestest tõelistest intellektuaalidest kes siin kirjutab. Ja kõik näevad et SINU narrimine ei vii sind kusagile. Kirjuta midagi mida tasub arvestada, ära raiska teiste aega ja head tuju kui sul endal on seda nii vähe!!
Greg30 Jan 2008 20:55
Where did you get the Russian Name?
And why are you writing in this forum if you are a Russian?
to Greg30 Jan 2008 22:02
Maxim isn't anymore Russian than you or me. He's from Toronto and he moved to the Estonian SSR a few years before Estonia's re-independence in 1991. There are plenty of us who remember him from his Toronto days. He made such a nuisance of himself -- lecturing and explaining -- that he was essentially run out of town. The people in Vironia know him a bit better than they really want to.
He has some mental problems -- learning disabilities (which account for his illiteracy) combined with megalomania. That makes him a know-nothing who thinks that he's a know-it-all.
He's also a sucker for conspiracy theories. The regular stuff -- the freemasons, the illuminati, the Jews, Kennedy assassination counter-myths, UFO's & etc.; pretty much anything but common-sense.
He wasn't taken very seriously here so, now, he's got a big grudge against us. He works it out in these columns.
Now he's comparing himself to Hellar Grabbi, a literary critic, whose intellect and linguistic ability in both Estonian and English could serve as an example to us all.
Maxim.31 Jan 2008 01:04
Vaadake seda-eriti lingi lõppu, ja vahetame seejärel arvamusi. Siin on tõsist mõtlemisainet kõigile. USA ei ole vaba maa!
Anonymous31 Jan 2008 06:21
Where did you get the Anglo name?
Why are you writing on this board if you're a Canadian?
Grow up.
to what do you know ?31 Jan 2008 08:04
"He's also a sucker for conspiracy theories. The regular stuff -- the freemasons, the illuminati, the Jews(international bankers ?), Kennedy assassination counter-myths ..."

Obviously Maxim has deeper knowledge than you, on what is happening in the world. You kep watching Fox and believing Bush.

Attached are a few more links to help let the EE readers make up their own minds. Two Estonian authours, Jüri Lina and Tiit Madisson have written excellent books !
greg02 Feb 2008 17:10
Its really Grigori I work for pravda.
Anonymous03 Feb 2008 06:17
Too bad. Not even remotely clever.
Helgi03 Feb 2008 12:17
Learning disabilities are not in themselves a sign of lack of intelligence. On the contrary, many people with LD have above average intelligence. So please, don't insult the families of people who have LD.

As for world politics, the idea that all conspiracies are patently false shows a lack of willingness to dig into the details behind the scences. All of history has involved one type of conspiracy or another, including the conspiracy to take over the Baltic States by Stalin and Hitler.

What does the current Esto president's belonging to the elite Trilateral Commission portend for Estonia? Hopefully something positive; however, I think what Maxim is stating is that it is a mistake for one to believe the U.S. is morally sperior to other nations if it has a history of snubbing the downtrodden, only going in to help where or when oil is to be had. What did the US do for Estonia under communism? Did it apply sanctions against Russia? What Maxim is pointing out (I think) is that Russia and the US have long been bedfellows....Canada has been no better.
Maxim.03 Feb 2008 12:49
Exactly correct! Same diff as with Lenin getting heaps of support from Kaise Wilhelm back in the 19th Century. They too were bedfellows from way back in history, and Lenin did very well out of that friendship. No conspiracy theory need to confirm it; just a little plain ol' fashioned knowledge about the good Kaiser's political interests.
.31 Jan 2008 00:01
Maxim = intelektuaal
vesiklosett = kosmosesüstik
eestlane02 Feb 2008 12:38
Hoopis see tuleks teha, et endised KGB kaastöölised Eestis avalikustataks. Neid põgenes seoses NSVL-i lagunemisega ka sinna Torontosse. Ja neid endiseid KGB-töötajaid on ka teie hulgas seal Torontos.
Anonymous03 Feb 2008 16:46
"Kõike teavad et mina olen üks vähestest tõelistest intellektuaalidest kes siin kirjutab"

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