The Ontario provincial campaign begins, Liberal logic as well
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Anonymous13 Sep 2007 13:29
If Tory is willing to fund other religious schools is he willing to give some money to Eesti Kool which now get's no federal dollars? Maybe we can re-name it something religious?
Maausuline13 Sep 2007 14:25
Taarausukool or Maausukool
Anonymous13 Sep 2007 14:26
obviously i meant provincial dollar, not federal.
This is a bit tricky . . .14 Sep 2007 08:07
Unlike the Taarausulased, my sect of Maausu worships the kaseriisika mushroom as a symbol of fertility and in the rubbing of peat moss between ones toes on the thrid day of a waning moon after the autumn solstice to ward away any bog demons from turning my children into turnips.

Our children just couldn't attend a shool for regular Taarausulased or Maausulased.

PS> The children need to be taught inside the base of a hollow oak tree.
Frodo14 Sep 2007 09:45
We Hobbits must be your relatives, Estonians, for not only do we live inside luxuriously hollow tree-trunks, but our classrooms are in them too.

I'll inform Gandalf the White of your problem.
Anonymous14 Sep 2007 11:49
Please CC John Tory too. The spirit who lives in a puddle at the end of my driveway told me that he would send a giant one-eyed- blue squirrel to devour Dalton McGuinty if he keeps talking about "plurality" and the qualities of an "inclusive" and "public" education system.
Silvi14 Sep 2007 12:25
Tõesti! See mõte käis mul ka mõttest läbi. Võiksime ühineda lätlastega ja teha Baltic Lutheran School, kus osa klasse oleks koos ja keeleklassid eraldi.
Meie ühiskonnas on küllalt palju elukutselisi, Ontario kvalikatsioonidega õpetajaid ja koolijuhatajaid, et saaksime sellega hakkama. Koha leidmine oleks raskem.
W14 Sep 2007 12:44
Hmm, maybe the above absurdist satire was a bit tricky . . . .
What if I'm not a Lutheran? Do we start an Estonian Orthodox school? And then an Estonian Baptist school? What about the Estonian Jewish school? And of course, as mentioned above the Taarausulased and Maausulased, do they get a school? Don't forget the Estonian Agnostics and those devilish Estonian Atheists!

Get it?
Maxim.14 Sep 2007 14:11
I'm wiling to head the Estonian Orthodox school. I once heard that Seinfeld was ready to change his faith to Latvian Orthodox, but it was only because he ran into a gorgeous blond of Latvian descent who was lighting a remembrance candle facing an icon-something I'd teach all children to do even before they start school.
Maxim.14 Sep 2007 14:12
I'm wiling to head the Estonian Orthodox school. I once heard that Seinfeld was ready to change his faith to Latvian Orthodox, but it was only because he ran into a gorgeous blond of Latvian descent who was lighting a remembrance candle facing an icon-something I'd teach all children to do even before they start school.
to Maxim16 Sep 2007 15:32
What qualifications do you think that you have to head an Estonian Orthodox school? Yes, we know that you are Orthodox; but, that's not quite enough. A school principal must also be literate and, more or less, mentally balanced.
Bio13 Sep 2007 15:57
The Tory bus is bio diesel
Peter15 Sep 2007 07:47
Wow! It is hard to believe that people are finally discussing a subject that I have been advocating for years. Although my comments about getting back the right to have non-English/French schools like we had before the war have fallen on deaf ears or been responded to with ridicule I am very happy to see that this issue has now become part of the Ontario election.
Our public schools have degenerated into extremist brain-washing camps that teach every manner of perversion and are trying in every way to hasten the decline of our Western culture so it is no wonder that parents do not want their children in such schools. Money is a non-issue since we all pay for education through our property taxes and I would rather have my taxes spent on a school that teaches in my language rather than in the languages of England or France.
Will any Estonian churches sponsor such a school? I think it would be a great idea. Tory has my vote and I hope that all Estonians in Ontario vote for him.
Anonymous16 Sep 2007 15:56
FYI - In Ontario and Canada we speak English, not Estonian.
I would urge all Estonian Canadians to resist the primative urge to segregate our youth from mainstream, secular Canadian society by voting - in any way- against John Tory.
to the atheist16 Sep 2007 17:24
"I would urge all Estonian Canadians to resist the primative urge to segregate our youth from mainstream, secular Canadian society" ...
Exactly, if you want your children to be turned into dumbed down, mass media influenced consumers, who will one day be part of the homogenzied, politically correct unwashed; unable or uninterested in questioning the status quo, and incapable of any original thinking.
Best of Luck !
relax...16 Sep 2007 18:23 one here has called themselves an athiest and Peter and Maxim aren't dumbed down -- they're dumb to start with.
Anonymous16 Sep 2007 21:36
This Judeo-Christian extremist name-calling and bigotry is exactly what will happen on a much wider scale if John Tory and those goons beside him in the photo have their way.

We are, first and foremost, Canadians who live in a land where all races and religions live together, with a comparatively high degree of harmony; where we are free to practice our faith (or not), without any fear of bias or hate based on that choice. To fund religious segregation is certainly one way of turning back our civic clock and fostering sectarian tension; funding race based religious schools would take us back to the 1940's. "Progressive" Conservatvie? I'm not so sure about that.

On an aside: I can’t help but wonder if the two in the photo with Tory also embraced Van Loan in the same way! Real “patriots”!!
Union rep17 Sep 2007 07:49
Most foreign language schools are in themselves at any advantage for the simple reason that the multikultufal maffia of Canada cannot get near enough to their programs to do damage to them in the way they have successfully done so in English-speaking schools per se. The conduit of all dumbing down is found anywhere else but with Peter and Maxim, whom I believe are the most intelligent commentators on the subject.
to the anonymous atheist17 Sep 2007 08:24
It seems that you would like to see political correctness rule in the schools of the nanny state in secular-atheist Ontario.

Wht is most interesting is that in the USA, in general the highest SAT score achievers going into university are coming from home schooled backgrounds !

Please consider religious or ethnic schools just another form of home schooling where parents are able to excercise greater influence over the curriculum being taught their children.
Anonymous17 Sep 2007 10:41
Home schooled like the Arab jihadists?
Stop fabricating facts that suit the Judeao-Christian extremist agenda.
to the anonymous atheist17 Sep 2007 12:17
if you can put your anger and defensiveness aside for a moment, you may find the following article enlightening

Academic Statistics on Homeschooling
Anonymous17 Sep 2007 13:09
Funny that! This is from a homeschooling lobby association! Wouldn't it be odd if they actually presented figures the real figures that show that homeshooling actually puts children at a disadvantage against their publicly schooled peers!

That unsightly chip on your shoulder against teachers shouldn’t put the entire province’s children at risk of becoming hate mongering, religious extremists!

PS just because I or others believe that religion or race has no place in the classroom does not make us fair game for hateful name-calling.
to the anonymous atheist17 Sep 2007 14:12
Please share the information that - '... actually presented figures the real figures that show that homeshooling actually puts children at a disadvantage against their publicly schooled peers!'
Eesti Elu readers undoubtedly would be interested in getting a 'balanced' perspective on this topic.

If some people want to have religious perspectives and a focus on education in their childrens' classroom, why is that so threatening to you?
Few Estonians raised in Canada want to see their children taught in a communistic manner. This is still a country where one is allowed to think for one's self, and is not forced to salute politically correct dogma.

And please explain the 'hateful name-calling', has anything been communicated that is not accurate?
Anonymous17 Sep 2007 14:19
Your serious suggestion that the Ontario school curriculum is communist is just plain funny - strange at worst.
Your comment should, in effect, put Tory's religous school funding mind-cramp in the right drawer for eveyone! Normal people would never support this! I give it 5 days before Tory starts denying that he ever said anything about it.
to the anonymous atheist17 Sep 2007 18:42
One would assume that you are a product of Ontario's public school system. Do/did you have any classes in reading comprehension ?
Maybe you were at the movies that day?

Is the phrase:
"taught in a communistic manner",
the same as,
"Ontario school curriculum is communist"?

Also, still waiting on the data to show the superiority of the public school system over private/religious/ethnic/home schooling.
Anonymous17 Sep 2007 20:24
Is that what they'll teach in your Estonian Lutheran home school: Ad homonym tantrums when you don't have a point?

Let’s retrace what’s been said:

We need to fund religious schools because multicultural kids are getting along too well.
We need to fund religious schools because the current curriculum is teaching our kids to be communists.
We need to fund religious schools because multiculturalism is bad like fascism.

My-oh-my . . .I’d say that we need a stronger, secular, public system to make sure that individuals like this fella don’t ever get near our children.
to the anonymous atheist18 Sep 2007 06:37
My recommendation to you is that you take some lessons at a private school in reading comprehension.
Best of Luck !
Anonymous18 Sep 2007 07:11
May Christ and Estonian nationalism guide you and John Tory on your path to Finno-Ugric Jihad.
Anonymous16 Sep 2007 15:59
Our educational system should prepare students for a productive life in the context of Western civilization based on Judeo-Christian values. Marx, Hitler and Mohamed are not a part of that.
Peter's Estonian schools would teach Holocaust denial and Hitler worship, much like Ahmadinejad's Farsi schools. So what if it proceeds in Estonian? Thanks; but, we don't need it!
Peter18 Sep 2007 08:34
We already have 6 different educational systems in Ontario. 1. English Public 2. English Catholic 3. French Public. 4. French Catholic. 5. Private 6. Native (Indian) Canadian. Would it really make much of a difference if some of the money that taxpayers pay anyways be put into religious/ethnic schools? Are those leftists who run our public schools so afraid that parents will start pulling their children out of these schools and put them in private schools? Many parents already do so at great expense. Since public schools have started teaching homosexuality, beastiality and other lifestyles that conflict with the values of parents who have been horrified at what their children are being taught, we have seen many Christian, Jewish and Muslim schools started in Ontario. I was surprised by how many Christian schools now exist in rural Ontario and have come in contact with them as many are clients of the company that I work for.
It would make the most sense to set up an Estonian Lutheran school since most Estonians here are Lutheran but there should also be input from Orthodox, Baptists, Taara and other faiths. Religion could be taught on a rotational basis including all of the above. Some subjects could be taught in English, others in Estonian. French would also be taught as a 3rd language.
As we now live in a globalized world, like it or not, speaking a second language makes a lot of sense and it would give the children of Estonian-Canadians the chance to integrate in either Estonia of Canada and use their language skills in international business between the 2 countries.
Anonymous18 Sep 2007 08:47
Speaking Estonian starts at home. Most parents at Eesti Koolid speak in English with their children. Does the state now have to take care of that too? This Estonian Lutheran school idea sounds more leftist than a hair-brained Dipper initiative.

Ulitmately, our public schools are not the appropriate place to teach religion. That's why we have churches (albiet empty ones).
Maximus18 Sep 2007 09:15
[i]Since public schools have started teaching homosexuality, beastiality and other lifestyles that conflict with the values of parents[i]

Seriously? I must have missed the class on beastiality, too bad.

Tory will lose the election because of this, guaranteed.
Anonymous18 Sep 2007 10:36
Again, my sect of Taarausk allows, and even encourages, the pairing of humans with goats. How do you think Tuuslar was created?!
Looking forward to teaching our Estonian youth about this . . . thanks John Tory!
to Peter18 Sep 2007 16:23
An Estonian school in Ontario would be full of strife. You would want it to teach Holocaust denial. Maxim would want it to be Orthodox. Most would want it to be nominally Lutheran, but essentially secular...and so on.
Upon inspection, this is a bad idea.
A.N.18 Sep 2007 18:19
Why can't we all just learn to get along?!
As Maxim has oft' quoted, (one of the few things I agree with) "Eestlase lemmik toit on teine eestlane"!
too sad18 Sep 2007 22:06
yes, yes ... let's teach our children to blend in like all good multicult locals, we'll support pizza and beer ,and sodimist marriages, and please keep us informed on what britney and oj are doing, and lets not forget,' go leafs go'
... please excuse me while i puke
Peter18 Sep 2007 22:32
Sweden has had an Estonian school since 1945 when the Stokholmi Eesti Algkool was founded. There was also an Estonian school in Sigtuna but I don't know if it still exists. Estonian schools have also existed in Russia and Germany so why not have one in Canada too? I have yet to uncover any evidence that proves that Estonian-language education has harmed any of these countries as my critics seem to believe.
Anonymous19 Sep 2007 07:42
In fact, the Stocholm Eesti Kool is so highly regarded, that the pupils are now mostly non-Estonians who are there for a better education!!
Anonymous19 Sep 2007 07:49
Great. Let's start a private school for Estonians! I'm all for it!
However, public funds should not be used to create a religious school based on ethnicity. Not for Catholics, Lutherans, Jews, Muslims, Hindus etc..

As for the previous hate poster: I don't recall sodomy being included on the latest curriculum. Nor is this being taught by "Communists" who swill beer and watch hockey. Try to keep your hateful fear mongering to your church groups or local CPC riding meetings. thanks.
Peter19 Sep 2007 08:31
These "public funds" come from our pockets. Should the money that we pay for property taxes not go to the school of the taxpayer's choice?
Anonymous19 Sep 2007 09:05
I understand and appreciate your point but respectfully disagree on practical grounds. Simply, put: where would this system end? I joked before about a Taarausulaste school, but the fact is, that the Taarausulane should, in reality, have the same right to public money as the Catholic or Esotnian Lutheran etc.. All of the teachers at the Taarausulaste shool would need to be certified Ontario teachers, you'd have to pay a prinicple; they would all have to adminster curriculum (who knows how many versions the Ministry would have to produce) and other Ministry mandated programs. It would cost a terribly huge sum of money to create and administer perhaps hundreds, if not thousands of tiny schools; and paying teachers who in these schools would be teaching a small group of children versus the 25 in a public classroom. It's a cute idea that is impossible to implement.

As a final point, I'd like to say that I like Birch trees, and I'd like John Tory to introduce a plan that would allow residents of municipalites to remove trees that they find offensive within 10 yards of their home and pay for a tree of their liking to be planted in its spot.
Just an idea - please don't accuse me of being a hoticultural communist.
to unhappy anonymous atheist19 Sep 2007 09:31
" I don't recall sodomy being included on the latest curriculum".
In fact it is, as in public schools homosexual 'marriage' is taught as an acceptable alternative lifestyle.

As previously mentioned, there are already 'religious' schools in Ontario and the current premier and his family have had the advantage of that education system.

Why are you so unhappy?
And why must you dictate how others should be educating their children?
It sounds like a communistic (my way is the only way) approach to me.
Does a democracy not provide for freedom of speech, and freedom of choice?
Maximus19 Sep 2007 11:37
[i]In fact it is, as in public schools homosexual 'marriage' is taught as an acceptable alternative lifestyle.[i]

In case you didn't know, homosexual marriage is an acceptable lifestyle in Canada. It's legal, accepted and a great thing.

You even say later in your post that we shouldn't dictate what people can teach and we have freedoms in our democracy. Thankfully in Canada that freedom extends to allow gays to marry.
to Maximus19 Sep 2007 12:03
'It's legal, accepted and a great thing.'
To each his own. If all Canadians were part of this 'great thing', the future here would be very bleak, as traditional Canada would be turned into a decaying Sodom and Gomorrah, which to me is not a 'great thing'.

People who disagree with this direction, have a right to have their children educated in private schools where the homosexual agenda is not pushed.
Maximus19 Sep 2007 12:35
yes, yes. Gay marriage will ruin us all.

Just how does marriage effect your life?

Sure you can send you kids to school where they teach that gay marriage is sinful and immoral and gays are evil, I have nothing against that except I don't want to fund it with my tax dollars.

And unfortunately for your kids once they are done school and enter the real world they'll see that what they've been taught doesn't actually reflect societies views which is a tough things for kids to deal with.
To The Tory Program Supporter19 Sep 2007 13:08
"I have nothing against that except I don't want to fund it with my tax dollars."

Good, we are in agreement.
I do not want to do it with your tax $ either.
I just want to fund it with my own tax $.
Maximus19 Sep 2007 13:23
[i]Good, we are in agreement.
I do not want to do it with your tax $ either.
I just want to fund it with my own tax $.[i]

How do I ensure that my tax dollars don't go to religious schools though? I don't have kids but I still pay taxes that go to schools which I'm fine with. But if they start funding religious schools I'm not fine with it and would like to opt out of funding them. Can I do that under Tory's plan?
Anonymous19 Sep 2007 17:48
Sodomy doesn't create hateful biggots. God help us if you've been permitted to breed by some poor other.
Peter20 Sep 2007 07:58
Maximus, if you own property in Ontario then you fund our schools. When you pay tax then the payment goes to our English Public schools automatically. You can change it to French Public, English Catholic or French Catholic if you wish.
Anonymous25 Sep 2007 08:03
Tuesday, Sept 25th: Day one of the John Tory meltdown.
His own candidates are starting to desert him as of this morning thanks to "faith based funding."

The previous posts in this string are yet again proof of how completely out of touch the Estonian right wing is with mainstream Canadians and even their own community. You are completely irrelivant!
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