Moscow recalibrating its approach to Baltics after Ilves win
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Mare Tiido07 Oct 2006 19:44
Interesting analysis by Goble...raises some valid points.. What gives with all this anonymity.?? This is not the 30's or 40's. In the West people identify themselves when writing a comment to a newspaper. I'd like to know who I am listening or speaking to.
Mare Tiido
to the readers05 Oct 2006 12:06
Maxim's pointless stupidity is embarrassing to witness.
maybe, maybe not05 Oct 2006 16:58
they should take english lessons from this guy (the logic is quite similar):
illuminati05 Oct 2006 06:50
ainult on kirjutatud et ilves oli parim valik kui rüütel, aga keegi ei ole selgitanud mis head ilves hakkab tegema ... mis oli ta kampaania tähtsamad rõhud ? ...(peale et el hakkab eestit valitsema)
Karl05 Oct 2006 10:42
hey illuminati,

I guess the people of Estonia wanted progress over returning to the "good old days" of being influenced by mudder russia.
to Karl05 Oct 2006 11:20
please define 'progress' ...
Anonymous07 Oct 2006 19:23

this is the type of progress I was referring to.
illuminati03 Oct 2006 13:13
Maxim has identified an important point .... Ilves has stated that Estonia's relationship with Russia will be determined via Brussels (EU) !
How can any true Estonian in the world not be concerned about such a position ?
With Russia and Germany (Putin and Schroder) already agreeing to a gas pipeline which will bypass the Baltic countries and Poland, what other EU arranged side deals with Moscow be forthcoming for EU's economic advantage which will leave Estonian interests as collateral damage ?
Maxim03 Oct 2006 13:24
Ilves may look as though he's putting a mighty big stake between Estonia and Russia by playing the EU card, but so far the EU has done practically NOTHING to solve Estonia's border problems, which include Russia's infringing on Estonian airspace. In fact, one commentator quite rightly pointed to the fact that Estonia has not been as fragile a political pawn in East- West relations as since the time of Estonia's accession to the EU. Simply stating that the alternative is Savisaar/Russia is undermining Estonia's strength of Independence. To suggest that no country can be independent any more is to cave into the very weak-kneed politics of the EU. Take, for example, EU's backing down on Spanish immigration; yet when Switzerland suggests putting limits on immigration levels then all hell breaks loose! There is simply too much inconsistency in EU politics!!!
illuminati02 Oct 2006 15:09
Will Ilves, funded by western interests, a member of the Trilateral Commission, and possibly with connections to the CIA, be independent thinking and look out for the best interests of all Estonians ... or will he further subject Estonians to all of the political machinations of the EU, i.e. sugar tax ?
If he does not weaken the language laws, does not allow Russian immigration, and does not sell out Estonia to western interests at a discount, he may be a pleasant surprise.
.02 Oct 2006 15:26
Only Maxim would call himself "illuminati".
to -- Illuminati02 Oct 2006 16:50
What makes you think that Ilves is funded by "western interests"? Which ones do you have in mind? What evidence do you have for this? What evidence do you have for his connections to the CIA?
In other words, why should we believe a word that you say?
money talks02 Oct 2006 17:52
(rockerfeller org)
who supported and funded radio free europe ?
Maxim03 Oct 2006 05:26
As usual, you mistake me for someone else. Someone who has the heart and the courage to stand up for truth (of alternate opinion). Just because you write under several names, wanting to leave to impression there are many people who bear a grudge against me, it just so happens that there are also some people here with a tremendous amount of self-respect, and respect for me also, and are willing to comment in my defence. I think it would do you a lot of good if you discontinued to make that a problem for yourself. Go ahead and criticize me by all means, but please use some sensible counterarguments to do so!!
P03 Oct 2006 06:19
Hear, hear!
Carry on dear Maxim!
Unamimous03 Oct 2006 07:24
What, pray tell, is "the truth (of alternate opinion)?

When you announced your plan to go to Russia to get away from Russians, were we supposed to nod reverently and compliment you for your insightful, "alternate opinion"?

When insult us [with annoying regularity] are we supposed agree with you, or, reiterate the principle that you are entitled to your "alternate opinion"?

Now you are asking for respect. Well, you've got it, Maxim, and you've had it all along -- precisely in the measure that you have earned.
P03 Oct 2006 08:25
LOL . . .
How entertaining it is to read the vicious ramblings of a lonely, frightened and angry individual, whose only means of expressing him/herself is by brutally attacking casual internet discussions and ridiculing any ideas other than those that are ultra-right wing as insane or stupid or illogical. I have not yet heard you or your ilk EVER articulate an original or constructive idea . . . it’s only ever hate or destruction. Instead of parroting the lines fed to you by others, try thinking for yourself - if just once!
Keep it up though - it's quite funny in a Pythonesque sort of way. . .
Python fan03 Oct 2006 08:36
Speaking of Pythonesque...
Go to the EstDocs film festival. This goes on for several days, but the Pythonesque film info is below:

Oktoober 14, 2006
Sündmus: estdocs filmifestival
Aeg: 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Informatsioon: estdocs dokumentaal filmifestivali kuupäevad 14-20 oktoober, 2006
TARTU COLLEGE'is, 310 Bloor St West, siisepääs Madisoni avenüült.


Valik Eesti tudengifilme, 60 min
ja siis film MALEV, 2 tundi.

followed by MEN AT ARMS (a Monty-Python-esque feature film)

ENGLISH SUBTITLES for both. Bring your friends!
Maxim03 Oct 2006 12:01
If this isn't just another below the belt effort to try to undermine my right to be here, then I don't know what is. Where is the original idea in this piece which is supposed to add to the wealth of opinion which one would dearly love to read about this subject? I only mention Ilves' train of thought, because he himself admitted prior to Estonia's succession to the EU that Estonia MUST be prepared to pay a high price (stating quite legitimately that the price is in the form of a POLITICAL COMPROMISE) in order to become an EU member. This attitude reflects a new driving force behind an agenda to push EU member states to move in a particular direction which will become increasingly clear in due course. I don't see that the mention of this direction should be sinister. But its very vagueness should be a cause of concern to most Estonians who trust the Presidency of Estonia into the hands of Toomas Hendrik Ilves.
Karl03 Oct 2006 12:48
So Maxim what would be the alternative .......

Going openly towards the Russian sphere of influence with Savisaar et al?
to Karl03 Oct 2006 13:37
You are correct that the Savisaar, Reljan, Rüütel alternative was not good either due to that cabal's coziness with Moscow.
The point is, Estonia is caught between a rock and a hard place.
Unfortunately Ilves' commitment to the EU and the USA, (though providing a level of security against Russia via NATO), will bring a yet to be determined set of obligations that may not be in Estonia's long term interests.
Maxim03 Oct 2006 23:42
This is the thrust of the problem, and you pinpointed it exactly! Hope you don't cop much flack for being brave enough to write here. Best of Canadian luck to you.
Maxim03 Oct 2006 23:45
There is also the problem that many people don't focus upon, which is the fact that much of Estonia's free trade still takes place with Russia, and Estonian businessmen, be they as right of centre in their political thinking, are still hedging their bets on Russia. Their money is behind supporters of Russia, and I hasten to add that apart from local Russian businessmen also include the likes of Aado Luukas.
to maxim04 Oct 2006 05:36
Its pretty clear that you do not expect much good from Ilves as President. But is there anybody around the scene that could do this very tricky job better? Who could that man be? Estonians have to play the hand there dealt and right now thats Ilves.
Maxim04 Oct 2006 07:52
I've stated earlier that my running favourites were Peeter Tulviste and Jaan Manitski.
to maxim04 Oct 2006 09:11
Next time around why dont you run for President? Seems like you got a lot of supporters including the heavyweight thinker Paul Goble. Thats got to be worth a lot of votes. You can see right through Ilves and besides, what have Tulviste and Manitski got that you dont have?
EE_Lugeja02 Oct 2006 09:02
Will Maxim apologize if he is wrong about Ilves ? I don't think so. He doesn't want to know what the word means. It takes a man.
P.02 Oct 2006 11:44
This is a political discussion; not school-yard argument.
Keep the personal attacks to yourself.
just about everybody02 Oct 2006 12:26
You're dead right, EE_Lugeja! When Maxim has been called for something demonstrably wrong, he has defended his position with irrational tenacity. What, for example, can anyone say to Maxim when he says that he plans to go to Russia to get away from Russians?
The large part of what Maxim writes is simply too ambiguous and imprecise to be disproved or otherwise. His words may have a nice ring, but they're essentially meaningless -- like using 'he' and 'she' with no reference to an individual. In this week's "contribution", Maxim uses the phrases; "[Ilves] will change certain of the clauses in the Consitution (sic.)" [which ones?], "remaining ties to the Constitution" [for example?], "Ilves is fervent about taking Estonia to Europe" [as if we're not already there], "the comfort zone [what's that?] of her own blessed constitution and many cherished national traites (sic.) [for example?]"
Every week, Maxim's here hectoring us with this sort of gibberish. That might be tolerable if, in addition, he didn't regularly insult the Canadian-Estonian community.
In response, Maxim gets as good as he gives in richly-deserved jeers and scorn. (Rational discussion is not an option in this context.) Now he tells us that he doesn't appreciate our insulting language and that he deserves an apology!

Maxim -- as a self-important, mentally-troubled, semi-literate dunce, you can't possibly understand that the jeering would stop if you no longer begged for it, week after week, ad nauseam. Come back and talk to us when you ready to drop the gibberish, the irrational and the insulting language.
to -- P/Maxim02 Oct 2006 13:07
Maxim -- as a cretin, you are no doubt surprised that your writing-style gives you away every time. An intelligent writer can dumb-down his style. It's too bad for you that the opposite isn't true.
p02 Oct 2006 13:10
The last part of that message is disturbingly ironic.
Not sure whether it's funny, or if I should keep a careful eye on my kids when they're at Eesti Maja.
to -- P02 Oct 2006 14:28
The meaning of the message -- a literate person can write in a semi-literate style; a semi-literate can't write in a literate style.
Any questions?
to -- P/Maxim/Illuminati02 Oct 2006 15:53
Maxim -- if you have any children, they're probably not at Eesti Maja, unless you have an ex in Toronto. Your worries about them are contrived, like much of what you say here.
On the other hand, your ex might have plenty of worries; after all, who would trust you with a pet dog or cat?
Maxim03 Oct 2006 05:17
This is just another gush of verbal vomit, and I must say that most people who read these comments are confident and sensible citizens of the Canadian-Estonian community who genuinely appreciate informed opinion. All else is just personal attack. I wish to thank hundreds of other readers who GENUINELY appreciate reading what I and numerous others write, and hopefully my critics will one day understand it it better to be positive with their input here than merely attack others whose opinion is different from their own. Naturally, people can believe what they wish, but I really don't understand why there is a need to get up front and personal towards me with ones remarks. Finally, if my comments come to fruition, them I don't expect anything other than the fact that I am glad to have been involved on the cutting edge of discussion of this topic in the quality newspaper.
Maxim30 Sep 2006 10:57
I think that given a little time and leeway, Ilves will prove to fly in the face of a lot of the beliefs that Estonians abroad generally tend to maintain. For example, I am practically certain that Ilves will not approve the removal of Alyosha from Tõnismäe, and similarly I suspect he will change certain of the clauses in the Consitution which will effectively whittle away any remaining ties to the Constitution of the first Estonian Republic. We must remember that Ilves is fervent about taking Estonia to Europe, and that means wrenching her from beneath the comfort zone of her own blessed constitution and many cherished national traites.
Anonymous30 Sep 2006 12:02
As usual, Maxim writes ambiguously in a tone suggesting that he's the only one that understands anything.
Without being specific, he refers to Ilves "wrenching [Estonia] from beneath the comfort zone of her own blessed constitution and many cherished national traites (sic.)" -- what a load of b.s.
Maxim30 Sep 2006 12:11
"Without being specific"...what's your problem with being specific? After all, that is what I and many readers wish and hope you will be, in order to offer a more rounded picture to the argument. And I would appreciate it if you kept your personalized remarks and rather insolent language to yourself!
to anonymous02 Oct 2006 07:21
will you apologize to maxim if he is right on ilves ?
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