Perpetuating false assumptions
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Huvitatud lugeja24 Mar 2019 09:49
Hästi kirjutatud!
Assumptions25 Mar 2019 01:27
The results did not reflect the votes of any specific group voting because we do not know how many were born in an occupied Estonia or independent Estonia, in exile or in diaspora.
Estonians abroad are an extremely diverse population. I personally know people who voted for Isamaaliit, Reformierakond, Sotsid and assume that some voted for EKRE as well. I also know many who are horrified by statements made by some people in EKRE which have negatively influenced how they perceive Estonians in Estonia.
I would not be surprised if the highest number of votes for EKRE came from those who were born in Soviet- occupied Estonia and others in independent Estonia who are realizing the fragility of Estonia's independence.
The foreign born Estonians do not belong to any cohesive group and often vote based on their personal knowledge and experiences with members of Estonian parties or candidates. They seem more likely to vote based on people they personally know or who were recommended by others. In the past, Isamaaliit gained many votes because its members interacted with Estonian communities abroad. It is possible that EKRE did the same before the recent elections.
lugeja25 Mar 2019 06:11
Mart Helme:

Kui meie asi untsu aetakse, meie viskame tiku püssirohutünni. Ükski süvariik ega Euroopa Komisjon ei hoia ära, see plahvatus tuleb!"

Mis inimene see on kes niimodi oma rahvast "plahvatusega" ähvardab? Riigimehelik käitumine see kohe kindiasti ei ole. Mina kardan EKRE äärmuslasi, eriti mõisnik Helme't ja olen pettunud et viimasel ajal on nii palju EKRE't ülistavaid artikleid siin avaldatud.
analysis25 Mar 2019 14:26
“miks käituvad meie liidrid nii, nagu nad käituvad”:
Neither Marxist nor Moslem!27 Mar 2019 10:39
The foreign press often locates EKRE at the radical right end of the political spectrum, although close inspection reveals its moderately conservative, nationalistic platform.
The re-independence of Estonia as a nation state, in 1991, in effect called for the re-establishment of Estonian as its official language -- this, after decades of Soviet Russification.
Estonia today is 'de facto' bilingual, alas, as de-Sovietization and de-Russification is proving to be a slow process. Russian students graduating from school in Tallinn generally don't speak Estonian because, as one told me (in very good English), "we don't need it."
Worse still, are the Soviet attitudes persisting among Russians born and mis-educated in re-independent Estonia. Typically, they believe that the Soviets brought liberty and prosperity to Estonia, that only a few war criminals were deported to Siberia, that our re-independence is unjust, only temporary, that Russian is a language of international importance, and other such nonsense.
Without regard to the degree to which they're informed, the voting-patterns of Estonians abroad are inconsequential, simply because there aren't enough of them to influence a result.
EKRE stands for the re-establishment of a de-Russified, de-Sovietized normal nation state -- a slow and painful work still in progress that's currently exacerbated by pressure from the EU for "multi-culturalism": accepting unassimilable Moslem immigration.
EKRE is right to stand against national suicide.
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