Tulge külla: Estonian House Is Ready for Return
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Understand20 Jul 2018 08:07
Yes there are people whose central motive is to divide our community and no they won’t succeed if people actually recognize them for who they are and call out their motives.

It’s been going on for a long time in expat Baltic communities and seems to flare up when people are trying to do big things to build the community.
Oi kui tore19 Jul 2018 15:49
Tänan kutse eest - tulen hea meelega!
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Pärituult (23:04)
not OK19 Jul 2018 09:41
There is no way a 6 storey building can be called a pavilion. Look it up.
fyi20 Jul 2018 15:09
building 6-storey Broad Pavilion:

umbusklik19 Jul 2018 07:45
Paistab et isehakkanud õiendaja, Allan Meiusi, ei söanda enam oma nime mainida.
Pärituult18 Jul 2018 23:04
Esimene plaan on, et mitte Eesti Maja müüa. Ega Madisoni projektil pole rohkem plaani, seal pole selleks ruumigi.
Tühja tuult18 Jul 2018 22:05
Broadview Eesti Maja ümberehitamise toetajad:

1. Teil ei ole plaani
2. Teil ei ole raha
3. Te ei juhi Eesti Maja tegevust

Kuni need asjad muutuvad, või praeguse Madisonil Eesti Maja plaanid kukuvad läbi, selliste artiklite kirjutamine ainult ärritab rahvast (teie idee pooldajad kaasaarvatud). Mina olin senini avatud teie plaanile, aga nüüd olen valmis õla alla panema Madisoni plaanile, kuna muud konkreetset plaani ei ole ja elu peab edasi minema.
lugeja19 Jul 2018 10:54
Kahjuks tundub et keegi pole juba ammu Eesti Maja tegevust juhtinud, sellepärast ongi tänane seis nii nagu on. Lohiseb, lohiseb, lohiseb ja siis ... "asi ei toimi, müüme ara".
Permanentne Madisepäev20 Jul 2018 11:15
Poolivahetevaid(loe reetvaid) Kauposid ja Mareteid on meie rahva seas ajaloo jooksul olnud küllaga, see pole arvatavasti uudis. Kui ajad ja hüved paremusele muutuvad pöördutakse jälle tagasi endistele põhjendades oma 180 pöördeid kõige eriskummalisemate veenvate põhjustega
Aga kui Eesti Maja ime läbi taas tööle hakkab ja keegi Sinu eest töö ära teeb siis hakkad jälle toetama tõstad jala vahest isegi üle eesti maja lävepaku.

Selline on kordes eestlase alalhoiuhoiu instinkt, mida mõnedki nimetavad targaks poliitikaks.

Mine siis sellistega luurele. Jutuks hea külll.
Tohoh18 Jul 2018 21:13
Kujuta ette ülbust, kutsuvad sellesse kohta külla! Kes rahvamaja vajab, kui eelnenud põlvkondade töö ja higi eest on võimalik ehitada palju uhkema kõlaga ja läikivat kultuuripaleed (ütles vares)? Tulevane Tuldava nimeline kultuurisidemete arendamist hõlbustav kultuuripalee võimaldab ju vanast vastikust (fui) rahvamajast lahtisaamist. Rahvamaja: ebapeen, kas pole? Lasketiir, kujuta ette! Moodne ehk "modernne" edukas eestlane valib ju endastmõistvalt kultuuripalee, kasvõi üle laipade ja iga hinna eest. Kodueesti riiklikult (maksumaksjate poolt) doteeritavad kollektiivid vajavad ju väärikat moternset esinemispaika, mitte mingit prostat ja ajale jalgu jäänud välisjeestlaste kolgast. Elagu progress ja progessiivne inimkond!
Inquisitive18 Jul 2018 12:55
Dear n/a, if you're so concerned about the Steering Committee membership, why aren't you also concerned as to who posted the totally baseless and inflamatory "shell casing" comment?
n/a18 Jul 2018 13:46
to Inquisitive:

That shell casing post definitely a post of sarcasm.

Asking about the leadership is not.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: n/a (12:13)
n/a18 Jul 2018 12:13
Could the Steering Committee for the Tulge Külla please identify themselves?
Reality Check18 Jul 2018 11:15
The only view of the Don Valley the Tulge Külla people are going to have will be from the window of their rooms in the new shiny Revera retirement facility. They're in luck since Revera already agreed to keep several floors of room just for Estonians. The 'Steering Committee' can rest assured that one way or another they will be able to stay in the location they love.
Smells like shell casings?18 Jul 2018 00:36
The local Broadview community should realize that there is a gun club that operates in the attic of the Estonian House where handguns are used and promoted. Like the pro-Trump NRA in the US, the extemists who run this handgun club are the ones who are viciously dividing the Estonian community and should be approached with caution.
thanks18 Jul 2018 06:09
To the commentator, thanks for the good laugh!
Hold on now18 Jul 2018 06:10
Your comment forgot to mention that the shooter from the grassy knoll at Dealey Plaza practiced at the lasketiir regularly until he moved back to Cuba. Why would forget to mention that?
Veksa Gun Club?19 Jul 2018 09:51
The gun club creeps also push guns on kids at the annual Estonian Christmas Fair. It’s no exaggeration. Search it up right here on this pro-NRA/pro-Trump-Putin website for the photos. It’s disturbing stuff. It is the same gang that is trying to split up the Estonian community in Toronto by discrediting and smearing community volunteers.
Smells like DELUSION!19 Jul 2018 13:01
Both (all?) sides of this stupid Dispute are indulging in irresponsibly Inflated rhetoric, mostly based on sheer Fantasy.

958 may be a Decent Site, but all of the structures on it are Dysfunctional (design, build, configuration, etc) and need to be Demolished and rebuilt if it is to be useful to us in the Future. We do not have resources to do that. Schemes to somehow incrementally (“Piecemeal”) renovate, rebuild and augment as budget allows are Authentically Toronto-Estonian, and thus Honour our Forewalkers, if you accept that Slavish Imitation (including faithful repetition of their BoneHeaded Errors) is a way of Honouring someone.

Madison is a God Awful Lousy Site, but it sits next to an existing "Community" facility with ca $200k clear (“Charitable”) profit to play with each year. If built, it is inevitable that the two “facilities” will eventually be “merged”, with a “governance” structure To Be Determined - then, as now “totally” unclear, except you know the old yolk about locking three Estonians in a “Room” Together....

Whether they Know It or not, I suspect that a lot of the Hysteria on the Friends of Fantasy side (they could call themselves “Hysterical Histonians”, but I digress...) Is driven by the lack of any sort of Public Advice as to the future Governance Model for the (pre- or post-inevitable merger) Madison facilities. This is the is the Engine driving them to the brink of desolation and Paul Simon lyrics . Some of them, Clearly, don’t like the idea of our Community being Curated into a Corner of the Cultural Corridor: “... And, here, behind this glass wall, we have some authentically self-identified Estonian Canadian parents resolutely ignoring everyone and sipping on Starbucks coffee that they purchased offsite, while they wait for their offspring, some of whom we observed being subjected to folk dancing lessons in the last display room, thus continuing and up-dating some long-standing Ethnic Customs...”

We all understand that its very complicated, that all the lawyers and accountants and consultants have yet to finish the tricky, never-ending and thankless task of jacking up their billings - until that happens, until the all-important charitable tax-credit optimization (which Absolutely Trumps all other community concerns or interests) is Fantasized into place, there Can Be and Will Not Be any Discussion on this Delicate Issue.

The proponents of Madison have spent a lot of money on Due Diligence, (most of which is highly professional Fantasy presented in a Spreadsheet format) that has Finally! told them what they Want To and have (Dammit!) Paid To hear. They are spending almost as much money on shamelessly Purple Publicity designed to give a Casual Reader freshly arrived from a Distant Planet without internet access the idea that Giddy Enthusiasm for successive Reveal Meetings has Overwhelmed our Community!

Opponents of Madison have also done a Good Job making themselves Look Like Toadstool Idiots (sound like, walk like, quack like ...) . Sometimes it be Possibul to Think: Maybe For Do That Purpose? Calling a Special General Meeting of Shareholders without putting Proposal on the Agenda !? That Genius way to Piss everybody! Pretending that 958 Broadview is a Fine Facility that only needs some Minor Repairs and we have so much money come in we don’t know what to do with? That so Sweet!

Maybe Opponents be really secret Agents working for VEMU, like old time “Kaikamehed” be secret agents working for VEKSA? (Whether individuals knew it or not) . Act stupid as possible in public to make everyone who agrees with any element of your professed identity look stupid too?

VEMU/VEKSA - get it? I just did, By Gollies, but my Meds are starting to Wear Off and I have to go Bye Bye now...
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