Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
royal pain16 Dec 2011 07:22
To 'Not News':
Jeans too tight again? Or scarf wrapped around too tight?

If you don't like the royals or you don't like Conservatives, just read community news, there are plenty of these as well.
Not news to me15 Dec 2011 19:25
This is Eesti Elu. If a similar piece were published in say, Car and Driver, I suspect that most readers would be a touch miffed. There is plenty of relevant news (given the current times) that could be published/ripped off. Why isn't it?
Come clean15 Dec 2011 15:35
It seems that since the Harper gov't was last elected, we have a lot more Conservative news on EestiElu. Does this imply there is some financial support to EestiElu and other ethnic publishing? The only reason this item would be newsworthy to our community, is if it was translated into Estonian, for those of us who can't read it elsewhere. Must be a slow day?
Not News14 Dec 2011 21:32
This is not news. It is a random statement that is not being reported on by a single media outlet in this country other than this one. It is of no interest to this community.
2nd_grader15 Dec 2011 11:21

Are these links to Canadas websites enough or do you want more ? I wonder if you passed grade 2 reading ?
to - Not News15 Dec 2011 11:39
It seems like you have difficulty accepting Harper as Prime Minister. That's too bad for you.
Putting up with someone you don't like is a part of life under majority rule. We all have to do it, at times.
If you simply can't live with it, seek political asylum in some place like Iran.
Toomas Merilo15 Dec 2011 13:20
Not News wrote:

[i]This is not news. It is a random statement that is not being reported on by a single media outlet in this country other than this one. It is of no interest to this community.[i]

This statement is simply wrong… the CBC, BBC, and other international and national media outlets have found it to be News and distributed it. Also, I object to the presumptive tone of the comment… as if he speaks for the entire Estonian community!

Does the person hiding behind the pseudonym “Not News” believe [i]Eesti Elu[i] should only report on “local happenings” or things they happen to like?

I’m not sure what’s up with “Not News,” but it appears they object to any- and everything that’s announced by our elected Government.

Too bad some people don’t believe in democracy and feel they have to fight a guerrilla war, when their choice is rejected by the public.
Relax.15 Dec 2011 19:42
Do not think for a minute that there is a higher political strategy at work here. You would have to be a naive moron to think that bombarding a community with every flavour of press release will win new supporters. Clever, subtle, messaging has never been a forte of the Estonian community anyway!
To Not News16 Dec 2011 07:51
What's the point of arguing with these myopic community relics? Decades of stale Esto House air clearly has an effect. They don't understand the need for balance and that's reflected in the plummeting readership. They don't get that all we want to hear is community generated opinions on issues and nice stories about community events. No wonder these new Estos have started their own community group!
päkapikk16 Dec 2011 14:49
Kuule vennake...ära enam rohkem alkoholi pruugi täna eksju ...puhka ja kosu ennast sel pühade ajal .
To Vlad16 Dec 2011 16:19
Sa paistad olevat fascist kes nõuab et ainult sinu arvamused peaks olema levitatud.
Nii et sul peaks olema hea meel et vene moodi tsensuur on varsti Põhja Ameerikas.
Keep your ego in check17 Dec 2011 08:42
Toomas Merilo, you have hit the nail on the head by responding: "Also, I object to the presumptive tone of the comment… as if he speaks for the entire Estonian community!"

'Not News' seems to have a big ego and a destructive streak. If people don't do things his way, he needles and needles until he tears them down.

Listen, Not News, learn to genuinely and altruistically lend a hand, not slash and burn. That is true greatness.
Ego 10117 Dec 2011 09:50
Some ego 101:

"The moment you become aware of the ego in you, it is strictly speaking no longer the ego, but just an old, conditioned mind-pattern. Ego implies unawareness. Awareness and ego cannot coexist.

Whatever behaviors the ego manifests, the hidden motivation force is always the same: the need to stand out, be special, be in control, the need for power, for attention, for more. And, of course, the need to feel a sense of separation, that is to say, the need for opposition, enemies."
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Keep your ego in check (08:42)
Funny17 Dec 2011 14:21
Hilarious how a harmless comment about less random filler and more substance has escalated into a typical EE online orgy of name calling! And yet nary a single person has actually given a reasoned argument as to why such political fluff is being posted.
to fluffy17 Dec 2011 17:00
Comment #1 was inaccurate as the story was communicated by many Canadian media outlets!
If a story does not interest you, great, move on.
However, that you expect all stories to fit your narrow expectation; and if something does not then there is h**l to pay, shows that you have a pathological desire to control and manipulate everyone.
Your type of behaviour resembles the leadership of the kremlin or the Ontario Liberal party.
If you don't like it - start your own website, and all the EE readers who agree with you shall be rushing to join you.
Good luck!
Contradictions19 Dec 2011 07:31
Thank you for so vividly demonstrating the previous point with such colourful language! And you people are scratching your heads wondering why younger/new generation Estonians aren't getting involved with the community!?!? Some attitude to take with declining participation and readership!
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