Vello Väärtnõu
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stranger20 Jul 2011 20:59
It is hard to find someone with such knowledge and skills, its almost impossible. To do that much great things as this guy doing, it will takes that much time that usual people are not able to do it within their lifetime. So i think that all Estonian people should be proud that they have that kind of person and support Vello as much as they can.
aaria & paaria20 Jul 2011 10:59
Nii budism kui ka hinduism propageerivad kastiühiskonda, mõistagi ka selle eelkäija bön´i usk, millest lähtusid natsid.
Välis eestlane20 Jul 2011 08:01
Imelik on lausa vaadata kuidas eesti rahvas oma ajalugu maha salgab ja kirjutab seda uuesti mingil jabural viisil. Panus mis Vello Väärtnou on pannud Eesti vabanemisele Nõukogude Liidust ja Eesti akadeemilisele tuntusele üle maailma, tuleks auga kirjutada Eesti ajaloo õpikutesse. Rääkimata sellest, et tegemist on ikkagi eesti juurtega rahvusvaheliselt tuntud budist-teadlasena. Mees kes pani aluse Budhismi levikule eestis ja ehitas ainukesed stuupad sügaval nõukogude ajal kus iga sugune religioone tegevus oli rangelt keelatud, seega mees riskis oma eluga, et panna alus Budhismi levikule Eestis. Need koik on tõesed faktid, ärme langeme mingisuguse laimu juttude tasandile. Ma saan aru, et kellegile ei meeldi tema puhul midagi, sest ta tegi asju mida teised ei teinud. See on niuke rumal eestlase kadedus.

Meil peaks olema au, et selline mees on meie rahvuskaaslane.
eestist19 Jul 2011 06:18
Huvitav lugeda et inglise keeles nii palju komentaare. vaartnou oli toesti see mees kes esimesena alustas ersp-d. rohutada tuleb et ta oli esimene sel ajal kui keegi teine ei julenud selle peale isegi moelda. inimesd kes praegu esinevad patriootidena, ei julenud toona piuksugi teha. nii et eesti riik peaks kandma tolle meha auga ajalukku. on ju faktid selle kohta mis too teinud
on oma l
minevikus. Ja juba toona oli vaartnou paandunud budist. ta ju tegeles budismiga punasel ajal, kgb pidevalt jalil. See mees on teinud nii mondagi ainulaadset. imelik on see et on inimesi kes levitavad laimu. Miks ? Oleks ka moni fakt, kuid see jura on ju lausa alatu. raakida mingisuguseid laimu jutte on ehtne kadeda eestlase turu muti jutt. mida te ise suursugust olete eesti riigi hyveks?
An old acquaintance19 Jul 2011 04:14
How come someone has decided to actively and energetically hype Väärtnõu?

Take Vello and these writings above with a fairly large grain of salt and be somewhat cautious in your dealings with this party.
good luck19 Jul 2011 02:45
Good luck to active principles and specific people such as Mr Väärtnõu and his friends. Estonians do not know how to value people who are ahead of their time and think differently than they do if it is the legacy of the Soviet time. Nevertheless, fortunately, continues Mr. Väärtnõu enthusiasm, strength, and all the best on his way!
Perfect19 Jul 2011 05:51
This fits in very well with lunatic fringe direction this "newspaper" has taken.
Tiit18 Jul 2011 22:32
Let's list down actions, that Vaartnou has done:

1. Cannabis was found in his country house in Estonia

2. He established Estonian National Independence Party

3. He came up with the program for the party

4. He publicly declared that opposition party against communist regime will be formed in 1988 in Moscow. The news was broadcasted in all majors media channels worldwide, marking the collapse of Soviets

5. In 80- ties he established Estonia Buddhist Brotherhood

6. He established Buddhist practical tradition in Estonia

7. He built temple and stupas (all these actions were illegal and forbidden under the Soviet

8. He organized language study program (old Mongolian and Tibetan language) together with the well-known scholar and linguist prof. Pent Nurmekund who first established in Tartu University oriental studies..

9. Vaartnou was the first, who made Buddhist Thankas in Estonia. The thankas were even printed on silk screen.

10. Translated and distributed Buddhist literature and texts.

11. He established networks with Buddhist Monastery in Buriatya, which is located near Mongolia.

12. Organized an annual international Buddhist conference ‘Buddhism and Nordland”, which is first academic Buddhist conference dedicated to history European Buddhism. The conference has been held for 5 times already.

13. He made the first Buddhist Encyclopaedia in Estonian.

14. Police found cannabis at his farm house, which did not belong to him.

15. Vaartnou and Estonian Nyingma represented Estonia to Her Majesty, Crown Princess of Thailand.

Alex, why don’t you list down facts about Vaartnou. Maybe you can mention once more about the Cannabis. It is very wise and useful. If you are able to come up with at least 10 new points about him, I can release the next list of facts, that will show how Vaartnou has been useful for Estonian culture, education and publicity.

Go on and list down your points
V18 Jul 2011 17:02
People should not afraid the goverment goverment should afraid the people..meaning:everybody must speak and come up with own ideas,not sit quietly in their corner and just listen and agree with all, what people on the "top" will want..
To Alex18 Jul 2011 09:40
Dear Alex. What is your point? What are you trying to prove and to whom? You can read facts in this article about Vaartnou and his activities. What you are spreading are rumours.

I remeber reading New York Times, where Vaartnou was on the front page when he came public with ERSP. He was also on the front page of Chicago Tribune, Herald etc.
I clearly remeber him being the first one from the BLOCK, who came up with a political public announcement against Communists.

This fact and argument is stronger then yours Alex. So it was a good try to spread rumours, but I don't think people are that stupid to belive your statements.

And by the way, this article is about a persons life work in fields of science, politics, religion, where he has done a lot for Estonia and Estonians. What gives you the right to spread rumours?

And what is it whit you and the drug farm? Usually here in the west drug farms are called facilities where large amount of illegal drugs are produced.
I didn't see any such statements in the article? all I read was that somebody had some hemp with them. welcome to the 21th century. 54% of the toilet seats in Euro Parlament have traces of cocaine. That is a fact! Should arrest top polical leaders of Europe for producing and distributing heavy drugs? Nonsenss.

And the article you dropped twice already? What does it have to do with Vaartnou? And his activities? Thay were seen together?

There is a picture of Dalai-Lama and a death sentence prisoner. (Dalai visited a prison). Should we jail and hang Dalai as well for that. This is your logics.

I hope you are smart enought not to reply, if you do please come up with some facts, not assumtioons, rumours or gossips.

from the not so stupid blogger18 Jul 2011 08:25
for someone who has obviously read the article above, would only have the time to be a jealouse, lack of will power and be a local, who would make a comment such as the one above for the simple fact.
That you are jealous and a damn stupid person.
And besides how the hell do you know about the personal life of a man called vello vaartnou who is a legend in estonia and worldwide.
He has done good things for estonia and buddhism. By the way you made 2 errors in your comment.
Alex18 Jul 2011 07:20
Here is an article about violent sadist criminals:

What has this to do with Vello Väärtnõu ? The violent criminals described in these article are the very same "Buddhist" friends of Vello Väärtnõu living in his cannabis farm. These "buddhist heros" Indrek Niit, Ivar Närep, Aimar Tõnts and Allan Lebedev are violent thugs and organized criminals. And yes, they are or at least were friends of Vello Väärtnõu.

I am from KGB? LOL. Actually, I have heard that it was Väärtnõu who was offered travel to Sweden by KGB for his ERSP letter. That would explain why he lost all his interest about ERSP as soon as his feet touched Swedish ground.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Alex (01:06)
Supporter18 Jul 2011 06:21
If it hasn't been for Vello Vaartnou's initiatives and efforts in introducing Buddhism into Estonia, we estonian would not have much knowledge of Buddhism nor have the opportunity to visit and appreciate the beauty of the many Stupas now in existence.
Also, without Vello, there would not have been Buddhist conferences to help bring about people's awareness on certain aspects of buddhism which can help and benefit them on a personal basis leading them to follow the way.
So I think that we can only say good words about Vello Vaartnou as a Buddhist.
simon18 Jul 2011 04:57
All Estonians should be proud to have a such person who is spreading Buddhist teaching in Estonia.If people would take time to read about Vello Väärtnõu and educate them selves about Buddhism you wouldn't talk so much rubbish,instead you would realize what an smart and intelligent person he is,who representing Estonian Buddhism around the world.
mees18 Jul 2011 04:37
he was the person who wanted Estonia free and he managed it by creating a parliamentary party opposing communism which led to independent Estonian democratic government, which by the way is still standing. So could people show some respect for this man?!
Fact18 Jul 2011 04:33
Please read the following article-

This article clearlyc shows what Vello Vaartnou is doing for Estonia.

How many other estonians have represented Estonia to Thai Royalties?

Estonian18 Jul 2011 04:25
I'm reading this article and im amazed that no one before has published anything about this legendary man in eesti elu.
Well done Vello and all the best for future.
Arno18 Jul 2011 03:54
I have been a Buddhist for decades and I left Estonia years ago, but I still like to keep in touch with things happening back home.

I still read Estonian literature and when it comes to Buddhism the best and most informative site is this one-, which I have used as a source of Buddhist knowledge for years now.... and I still haven't finished all the articles. Thousand of translations in Estonian!

As I understand, it is done by Mr. Vaartnou, so whoever counts themselves as a Buddhist should appreciate and value his work.

I personally am thankful for Mr. Vaartnou for the web-site he built. I have spent so many nights behind my com reading about Buddhism in Estonian.
Budismi ajalugu Eestis : Eest18 Jul 2011 03:10
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Johannes Miilits (01:45), Johannes Miilits (02:08), Arnold Rüütel (02:14), keegi (02:55), lugeja (03:03), History of Estonian Nyingma 19 (03:07)
History of Estonian Nyingma 1918 Jul 2011 03:07
The first Nyingma movement , Estonian Buddhist Brotherhood, was established by Vello Väärtnõu in 1982, in Tallinn.

They were also well-known in Estonia and Russia by narva--112 the nickname Taola.

Väärtnõu had an idea to establish the Nyingma tradition and Buddhist brotherhood in Estonia already in the 1970s.

During that time Väärtnõu made contacts with Ivolga monastery in Buryat, which belonged to the Gelug sect, because Nyingma school did not exist in the territory of the Soviet Union.

Другая группа буддистов – из Эстонии, руководимая Велло Вяртныу – ориентировалась на некоторых лам Иволгинского дацана, таких как дост.

Мунко Цыбиков и дост. Ж.-Ж. Эрдынеев. Под их руководством в 1980-х гг. наши эстонские братья построили первые в Эстонии буддийские ступы в п. Тууру. Ступы были посвящены Будде Шакьямуни, Гуру Падмасамбхаве и Махакале.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Johannes Miilits (01:45), Johannes Miilits (02:08), Arnold Rüütel (02:14), keegi (02:55), lugeja (03:03)
lugeja18 Jul 2011 03:03
In 1987 Vello Väärtnõu came up with the idea and programme of creating Estonian National Independent Party,

So the Estonian Buddhist Brotherhood and Buddhist way of thinking can be considered a part of Estonian fight for independence, they were the first in soviet times to attack openly the foundations of communist country.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Johannes Miilits (01:45), Johannes Miilits (02:08), Arnold Rüütel (02:14), keegi (02:55)
keegi18 Jul 2011 02:55
Who is that guy who talks about cannabis hier?

Always the same old socialist activists and KGB co-workers or maybe agent,s? I salut you! You still follow Väärtnõu,s footsteps in media.

You cant forget him. I understand you but you time is gone you have to accept this.

When Väärtnõu arrived after 17 years (he was through---- n----- out from Estonia and Soviet Union officially as enemy of communist state).

Hm,mm, hmm, interesting? Do,nt you think so?

The same day when Väärtnõu arrived 80 policemen and of course SWAT team , arrested Väärtnõu together his friends and , and we cant forget the most important detail in this case , they "SUDDENLY" found some cannabis somewhere . Where nobody knows.

Really. After 17 years abroad he came back to smoke a dope and decided to do it on his homeland. So logical!

During the years ,windows, doors and roof were stolen.
Thats important to know.

And Väärtnõu,s return of course was planned carefully because he planted some gram cannabis there in his country house already 17 years before and now came back to pick it up .

Sounds naive. Still the same old KGB tricks.

All his friends are Buddhists, sportsmen, nobody smokes.

Cannabis was stupid argument.
Next time you have to find better one.

Väärtnõu came back because he wanted to build a Buddhist stupa and that,s what he did.

No court case has taken place . Why? "??????????????????????????"

Most amazing , all this happened exactly the day when It was Estonian day of Independence.

Interesting fact .Dont you think so?

Quite interesting KGB and old communist party members still, cant accept fact Väärtnõu was wiser then KGB and Moscow..
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Johannes Miilits (01:45), Johannes Miilits (02:08), Arnold Rüütel (02:14)
Arnold Rüütel18 Jul 2011 02:14
I want to know more about this guy.
That,s impossible ,,one guy could do all this.
That,s amazing!

I guess I have heard about him.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Johannes Miilits (01:45), Johannes Miilits (02:08)
Johannes Miilits18 Jul 2011 02:08
All stupas what are build in Estonia are build by Vello Vaartnou.

All thangkas what are made during the Soviet time they are made by Vaartnou and Taola.

Texts and books what were translated by him and under his guidance.

He invited monks to come to Estonia.

Who else has done this.Tartu university were togher with communist against religious actiivities.

Mäll was Estonian semi-educated ,screaming drinker

It,s strange Tartu university still wants to replace Vaartnou in Estonian history by Linnart Mäll who was alcoholist and wellknown psyhopad.

Mall was a person who could,nt handle himself,no behavior no knowledge in Buddhism.
When system changed after Mäll announced about himself as he has become a buddhist publicly .


The same happened to communist Arnold Rüütel when Estonia become "Free" .

He announced that all years what he has been a communist party member he dreamed how to get back independency for Estonia.

Thats bullshit.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Johannes Miilits (01:45)
Johannes Miilits18 Jul 2011 01:45
That,s interesting when media keeps Vaartnou in focus immediately Estonian KGB co-workers attack their target again.
Exactly the same way as before when he lived in Estonia.

So communist,s can,t forget what this guy did when he established the party and movement against Soviet regime.Vaartnou has been fighter against communist tyranny all his life and still is.

That,s ridiculous to show some links to the pages what Estonian Security police has specially fabricated and ordered for media,

Communist still cant accept that Vaartnou has been all his live visionary and of course person who deals with Buddhism and with different projects on international level.

He never agreed to be a communist party member and sure he,ll never agree with people - old ,uneducated ,narrow minded communists who they were during the soviet times.Why he has to deal with them now?

There are lot of Estonians who value and follow his steps through the years and ,ll do it years to come.

He is a hero.
Alex18 Jul 2011 01:06
Large amount of cannabis seized and several violent criminals arrested at "Buddhist narcofarm" of Vello Väärtnõu:
In that article, also Estonian Nyingma congregation denies vehemently that Väärtnõu is their founder, member or has ever had any connections with them.
Est Mark17 Jul 2011 17:50
It is very nice to read about an estonian who has brought glory to Estonia in many ways and as I understand from the article- even fought for Estonias freedom during the occupation days. Estonians should treasure such visionary character.
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