Barack Obama and the Triumph of Marxism
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
lowering02 Nov 2008 08:34
Membery31 Oct 2008 07:30
While there is no doubt that some of Obama's policies and the democratic policies in general have bits of socialism, it is ignorant to call them Marxist. A thourough understanding of Marxism and one of its components, socialism, shows that the watered-down version of socialism that Obama promotes is nothing like the original. Socialism has succefully bailed out the US economy on multiple occasions. A centrist point of view is that the correct balance of capitalism and social policy is required to ensure a long-lasting stability that the world economy can rely on. Have no doubt that Marxism is a failure, but understand that the failure of a system does not invalidate all of it's aspects. The US has been practicing socialism for 70 years or more under every other name but socialism. Obama is proposing nothing new, but he is proposing what has been shown to work when capitalism runs awry.
Peter31 Oct 2008 07:40
There have been many times in history when socialists have become communists after taking power. They usually will not reveal their true nature to the masses until it is too late.
Peter31 Oct 2008 07:05
I assume this is the same Anonymous who used to take so much pleasure arguing with me on this forum. Are you truly supporting this evil man who wishes to destroy America?
I am also very interested in where Obama's money is coming from. There have been many rumours of financing by the Saudis and other rich Arabs. Looks like Bin Laden may win this war after all!
Anonymous31 Oct 2008 07:45
Peter - "Are you truly supporting this evil man who wishes to destroy America?" Do you have anything to back this up or is this simply more right wing hate speech?

As for his money, ask the 600,000+ Americans who have donated an average of $90 each to his campaign. Again, no facts to back up any claim of Arab influence.
say ok for obama31 Oct 2008 07:49
say oh oh for obama31 Oct 2008 08:44
Birth certificate31 Oct 2008 09:19
Why has Obama had his birth records sealed by court order? No-one should have to hide their birth place - one should be proud to say I was born in, say, Peoria. Or Pärnu. Or Potsdam. Because those are the facts.

The US Constitution requires the President top be US born. Rumors exist that Obama was actually born in Kenya (his father was Kenyan ).

So, once again, who is behind the sealing of birth records? Perhaps all those Globalist financiers with vested interests who wish to have their puppet in the White House, just as Dubya was the puppet of the Grove?

Anonymous31 Oct 2008 10:09
Is this article a joke?
"From the desk of Fjordman"?
So those behind this online news aggregator are now finding random anonymous extremist sources? Talk about gutter journalism. This is certainly a new low.
I can't see how anyone can -or ever could- take this website or the self proclaimed editor seriously. The actual EE newspaper should distance itself from this nonsense.
Do your research31 Oct 2008 10:14
The two ARE different - As anyone who subscribes to the print version can confirm (do you???) EEOnline carries material that is not published in Eesti Elu, just as is the case with, say EPL Online and Eesti Päevaleht in Eesti.

And if you took the time to read the article to the conclusion, it clearly says that Fjordman wrote for the Brussels Journal, easily available on the web.
Anonymous31 Oct 2008 11:11
Take some responsibility for what you publish! The onus is not on us, the readers, to "do the reasearch" when you publish extremist articles. I could barely stomach the headline, nevermind getting past paragraph 2.

A few doozie sample headlines from the Brussles journal:

Inside Britain’s Conservative Party: An Islamist Fifth Column?

No Sex With Humans for Euro-Politicians

Sweden: The Triumph of Cultural Marxism

Hamas by the Rhine

From Magna Carta to Sharia Law – Britain’s Decline

Europe for Africans: Is Robert Mugabe a Hero?

We Are Sarah’s People
Not a Marxist31 Oct 2008 11:58
Yet this article as I read it is balanced. The other material from the Brussels Journal, granted, by the headlines you provide, are certainly not "main stream." Mainstream wants to see Obama elected and ignores facts, or suppresses them. The costs of electing someone on this basis are high.
Even the offensive-titled articles in the Brussels webiste give voice to freedom of expression of opinion - something commentators want to squelch it seems.

Tolerance is a two way street!!!!
Anonymous31 Oct 2008 13:06
Arguing against Obama's or McCain's policies is one thing. Calling one a Marxist or the other a Judeo-Christian fascist is quite another.
This has nothing to do with the supression of the truth, or the supression of freedom of thought or speech.
This "website" is reprinting dodgy material from suspect sources that could lead non-Estonians and less involved Estonians to believe that we're all extremist crackpots. And while a few of you could be characterized as such, the vast majority of us are moderates.
Anonymous31 Oct 2008 14:10
Obama's birth certificate doesn't seem all that secret to me:

Sorry to spoil your conspiracy theory.
Maxim31 Oct 2008 14:40
On this evening's ETV program Rahva kodanikud, most of the political elite represented in the program overwhelmingly stated that Obama's victory is bad news for Eastern Europe, and Europe at large, since the concern of reinventing the political wheel with marxist Obama telling us how it's done is just a bit too rich for the 21st century. it's a pity that Estonian Obama fans in north America couldn't have simply got a gutful of socialist politics when the iron curtain was up-instead we have to replay the whole damn episode because they are too stupid to understand the consequences of having a commi bruvva calling the shots from the White House.
Anonymous31 Oct 2008 15:38
I'm not sure how this makes any sense: "bad news for Eastern Europe, and Europe at large, since the concern of reinventing the political wheel with marxist Obama telling us how it's done is just a bit too rich for the 21st century."

Has he every said that he was going to reinvent the "political wheel"?

Anyway, McCain is as much of a communist, since he opposed Bush's tax breaks up until a few months ago. Is is not a socialist policy to propose a $300 billion program for the federal government to buy up bad home mortgages to allow homeowners to keep their houses?! That's what he said during the last debate!
Peter03 Nov 2008 06:36
Maxim is right. America is really 2 nations. One is an extention of European civilization and the other, an extention of the 3rd world. An Obama victory would mean a triumph of non-European values and a revolution against America's predominantly European ruling class. It would be similar to what has happened lately in many South American countries where left-wing populists have taken power. Such a government would have little interest in European affairs and would be disasterous to Eastern Europe.
Anonymous31 Oct 2008 06:32
Aah, there's nothing like a rant without content to set off more rants without content... Opinion pieces like this vapid pile of hubris are of dubious value to anyone except the writer. Please, no more clip and paste pseudojournalism.
Peter30 Oct 2008 22:51
An Obama victory will probably mean the end of America as a superpower and possibly even a nation. I hope that all you readers in the USA have an Estonian passport and plans to get out fast if America goes the way of Zimbabwe and South Africa.
Maxim30 Oct 2008 16:01
Obama's victory is sure to put an end to Estonia's freedom, as the incoming Prez will do everything in his power to make any and all necessary concessions with Russia. Of that fact most Estonians are certain.
Lew Rockwell30 Oct 2008 13:33
"There is a sadistic quality to the political establishment’s selection of these wretched candidates as their front-men in this election."
Kaja Telmet30 Oct 2008 12:48
Whose idea was it to put this in Eesti Elu? It was an act of poor judgement and I am disappointed to see articles like this in Eesti Elu. If you are worried about declining readership, you certainly won't get my subscription with biased articles like this.
From the article30 Oct 2008 13:02
"There are both left-wing and right-wing Globalists. They have different agendas, for instance with left-wing Globalists putting emphasis on silencing free speech and promoting "international law" through the United Nations and similar organizations while right-wing Globalists concentrate more on the free flow of people across borders, just as they want free flow of goods and capital across borders. The presidential election campaign in the USA in 2008 between Obama and McCain is a race between a left-wing and a right-wing Globalist. Both want open borders, if only for slightly different reasons, and tend to think of countries as ideas, not as entities populated by distinct peoples with shared values and a common history."

How can you choose which is the lesser evil? If I were an American voter I'd want to see a third party, rather than the two party system extant. I can vote for the NDP here, but no such viable, realistic third party alternative choice in the United Snakes.
tt30 Oct 2008 13:18
What specifically in this article causes your indignation ?
Are there any lies in this article ?
Personally I think it is interesting and thought provoking. Isn't that what you want from a media outlet ?
If you have some thoughts that
you would like to communicate, please feel free to write an article, I am quite certain that it will get published.

Also, please remember, the EE paper version is not an exact match of the online version as there two different readerships.
Anonymous30 Oct 2008 13:26
Yes. Thank you. This is pure intellectual rubbish.
Anonymous30 Oct 2008 13:28
I'm sure that some here would also argue that Ernst Zundel's articles are thought provoking. Hmmm... I see a pattern emerging.
Stretching30 Oct 2008 13:35
Why is it when anyone posts a reasonable argument that is not accepted by the comfortable, wealthy, spoled and intellectually lazy western left that it is immediately equated with Holocaust denial? That is a stretch.

After reading this article - and who is Fjordman, anyways? - I was struck by one point - the personality cult around Obama, as evinced by yesterday's American TV Hosiannahs. Any cult of personality is bad - Stalin's was enforced as we know by terror and death, look at North Korea today etc.
Conrad30 Oct 2008 14:23
Hmmm, some people like to parrot the National Post,.
Original thinking earns extra marks.
Anonymous31 Oct 2008 01:55
If this article isn't good enough for the print version why post it here? Is this the type of article EE likes the entire world to see that they support? People in Eesti and around the world read this and think Canadian-Estonians are a bunch of loonies. Along with conspiracy's about Amero's and Free Masons EE has as much journalism in it as the National Enquirer.

There isn't a single "fact" in this article except that Obama was a member of a church with a flamboyant nut in charge. He's probably not even very religious himself but the USA voter requires that you at least fake religion to get elected. It says he has "multiple links" to anti-Americans - so what are they? Ayers?

This article is simply race baiting and a bunch of hypotheticals of what might happen if Obama wins.

And it's nice to see Maxim sounding off again with another prediction of the impending demise of Estonia.
Maxim31 Oct 2008 04:52
I'm simply reiterating what great Estonian journalists like Priit Pullerits have already done. If you are one of those Canadian-Estonian loonies, then it wouldn't surprise anyone reading these comments, since your naivety comes through loud and clear. The answer to the world's problems is to think as positively as possible-even in the case of RUSSIA! That's the looniest suggestion anyone can propose-but you've managed without batting an eyelid.
Maxim31 Oct 2008 04:56
Are there a lot of black Americans of Christian persuasion who shy from using an Islamic name? If there's nothing wrong with it, why do the proponents of Obama keep silent about this issue???
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