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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Arvamus14 Jul 2007 11:19
Juudid peaksid koos asiaatidega Euroopast lahkuma, nemad alustasid Teist Maailmasõda ja püüavad ka Kolmandat alustada. Nad lihtsalt maksid ise kallist hinda.
Anonymous16 Jul 2007 11:11
Päris julge rassislik ütlemine, arvestades, et see on avalikult loetav veebileht ja te avaldasite siin oma isikliku meili aadressi!!
Maxim.12 Jul 2007 09:52
Maailmas valitsevad hoiakud on just need asjad mis on ilusti ka meie rahvast nurka surunud. Inimesed on põhiliselt jaotatud kahte leeri; need kes usuvad et bolshevikude võit oli ainuõige, ja need kes arvavad et saksa mundris võitlenud partisanid olid Adolfi käepikendus. ja selle ümber keerleb kogu see jama, ja nüüd, tänu ka USA-s 60 a. järjest liberaliseerunud poliitilistele väljavaadetele on Venemaa saanud tänaseks väga suurt tuult tiibadesse meie väikerahvaste arvel. Paistab et meie oleme taas luserite ridade nimekirjas ja Venemaa...no teate ise ju.
Anna Nüüm12 Jul 2007 10:22
"tänu ka USA-s 60 a. järjest liberaliseerunud poliitilistele väljavaadetele on Venemaa saanud tänaseks väga suurt tuult tiibadesse meie väikerahvaste arvel. Paistab et meie oleme taas luserite ridade nimekirjas ja Venemaa...no teate ise ju. "

Maks, ise oled luuser! Kust sa seda loed, et Venemaa on tuult tiibadesse saanud USA silmis meie arvel??
Sa vist ei lugenud neid massiliselt palju artikkleid mis ilmusid pronksööga seos, USA ajakirjanduses. USA on olnud ja püsib meie tugeva toetajana!

Muidugi, kui sa Pravdat loed, siis seal paistab et Venemaa on eelistatud. ... aga me juba teame kuhu sinu lojaalsus kuulub.
Maxim.12 Jul 2007 14:31
Kui suur on USA toetus Eestile? Kui suur üldse on USA toetus ida-Euroopale? Ütlen vaid niipalju. Allajärgnev tsitaat enam-vähem võtab kokku kui suur on USA huvi meie vastu.

"It may be nitpicking to say this, but the whole affair, apart from the presentation of two well-deserved awards, appeared to be distinctly underwhelming. The dedication ceremony was attended by fewer than 500 people (including, no doubt, the secret service detachment for the President), and the glittering gala dinner was attended by only 350.

In many respects, the meagre attendance and negligible media coverage sum up how little impact the demise of Soviet tyranny has had on the public. Even though the West was engaged, for much of the 20th century, in a titanic struggle against a murderous and ruthless foe, very few people are prepared today to celebrate the West's eventual victory over the Evil Empire.


The most disappointing aspect of the Washington dedication was the fact that, although official memorials to the victims of communism can be found in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary, the first memorial on Western soil, costing $US950,000, was paid for only out of private funds, including donations from Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Georgia and Taiwan.

It is almost incomprehensible that, at a time when Vladimir Putin's increasingly authoritarian Russia is causing deepening concern across Europe, neither the US nor UK governments saw fit to contribute to the memorial".
Anna Nüüm13 Jul 2007 07:13
They gave the land in Washington DC for the monument. That alone is significant!
They didn't give money toward it, because it is not a monument to America or Americans and it would set a precedent for other special interest groups.
The President himself was there for the dedication.
I think this shows strong support.
Maks, you're just looking for trouble in everything.
Maxim.13 Jul 2007 07:22
I wonder how the USA, giving political precedence to Russia as is so often the case, is not considered (by your finely tuned argument) to be seen as a concession to others. How many "concessions" has Estonia had to take on the nose during the past 60 years? And still, even today one "concession" continues to follow another. There are too many holes in your argument for any decent-minded citizen to possibly take seriously, although I give you credit for protecting American interests at a time when she has done more than the average country to bring peace into the world.
Maxim.13 Jul 2007 07:24
I wonder how the USA, giving political precedence to Russia as is so often the case, is not considered (by your finely tuned argument) to be seen as a concession to others. How many "concessions" has Estonia had to take on the nose during the past 60 years? And still, even today one "concession" continues to follow another. There are too many holes in your argument for any decent-minded citizen to possibly take seriously, although I give you credit for protecting American interests at a time when she has done more than the average country to bring peace into the world.
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