Ilves: pronkssõdur kehastab massimõrvu PM
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
tamm23 Feb 2007 11:25
kuid nende seas olid suuremad bandidiid joodikud eestlased,kasutasid juhust rikkastamiseks ja venna tapmiseks
Tiritamm23 Feb 2007 16:04
Seda võime väga hästi uskuda sest kuri loomusega juhuseotsijaid on iga rahvuse hulgas leida.
Kui venelane kunagi saaks sellest aru et on ise Kompartei ohver alles siis algaks areng demokraatia poole koos pingete lõdvendamisega. Lõpuks pronkssõdur võiks sümboliseerida matslikku vene poissi keda julma ükskõiksusega suruti lahingu takistus pataljoni täägiga.
Vihane24 Feb 2007 03:20
Mina olen nõus pronkssõduri mahavõtmisega ainult siis kui kohalikud venelased hääletavad selle poolt.
.23 Feb 2007 06:31
Eesti Majas, Trivimi Velliste asjalikult äsja kirjeldas pronkssõduriprobleemi mitmeid tahke nii et saime aru et seda ei saa niisama õhku kõmmutada. Mina seda jälestan nii nagu teisedki kuid pean tõendama et tema sõnad olid kainestavad.
Anonymous23 Feb 2007 05:59
Sooviks väga intervjuud lugeda tervikuna. Nii kuidas see siin ilmub on vapustavalt soolane (mitte et see ei vastaks tõele). Huviga ka ootan vastukajat.
Siit saab veel lugeda23 Feb 2007 06:20
Postimehe artikkel

BBC venekeelse teenistuse originaal artikkel - venekeelne

Regnum - ingliskeelne refereering

Regnum - venekeelne refereering
Aitäh!23 Feb 2007 07:03
Lugejate kommentaarid Postimehes on eriti huvitavad. Üldiselt rahvas on väga tänulik et Ilves julges otseselt ja ilustamata öelda mida rahvas laialt arvab.

Kas Ilves kõneles inglise keeles? Kui nii, peaks öelma et ta polnud eriti ladus -- ehk tahtlikult nii.
to - Maxim22 Feb 2007 16:34
Correction -- In this newspaper's archives, in an exchange where Peter defends the infamous holocaust denier, Ernst Zundel, Peter identifies himself as a "historical revisionist" -- a euphemism for "holocaust denier". In the same exchange, he expresses his admiration for Hitler. On those grounds, Peter is not respected. He and his kind are universally held in contempt. (Zundel was recently sentenced to five years in a German prison for holocaust denial.)
Second correction -- Claiming to be an intellectual is yet more evidence of mental illness. Intellectuals are literate people with university degrees. They think and write. You type. You grew up in Canada, yet your English is semi-literate. You have lived in Estonia for many years, yet your Estonian is even worse. (You wouldn't have recommended Veispak's article to us if you could read it yourself.) How is it that you are the world's only semi-literate intellectual?
So, here we have a good Estonian boy who grows up in Canada and moves to Estonia as an adult. (That is the one and only thing that I admire in you.) Unfortunately, your much lower-than-average intelligence has proved to be an obstacle to normal integration. You should have settled into an inconspicuous life with a nice little job in the building industry with a bit of amateur photography on the side. (Perfectly respectable activities, but obviously not enough for a megalomaniac with a room-temperature IQ.) So you couldn't leave us behind. You've come back to hector and insult us and boast about your secret store of knowledge and supernatural intelligence. (Probably because you ran out of Estonians who would listen to you.) Now, there is no force on earth that can pry you off this site. Some have suggested an end to anonymous commentary. That would deter most nuts, but not you.
I know your mother, Maxim. From her, you inherited your bovine stupidity. Your megalomania came from God-knows-where.
Anyone else reading these comments would know that I'd like you to stop hazing us. You will probably interpret it as an invitation to dialogue.
Maxim.23 Feb 2007 00:26
If it makes you feel better to let all your hell-bent frustration out into the open at other people's expense, then it is probably something everyone around you has grown used to. Don't expect the same response from me..
Anna22 Feb 2007 10:09
Elagu Toomas Hendrik Ilves!
Peeter22 Feb 2007 07:16
“Grupp bandiite – Nõukogude sõjavägi – ajas meie riigist välja teise samasuguse grupi – natsid,” selgitas Eesti president veel.

Seega kõik eestlased, kes võitlesid ühel või teisel poolel, on Ilvese tõlgenduse järgi bandiidid. Väga huvitav seisukoht meie persidendilt.
Toomas Merilo22 Feb 2007 08:22
Peeter... Mine metsa.
to Toomas Merilo22 Feb 2007 11:02
Well said, Toomas! You have a nice way of selecting "le mot juste".
If I'm not mistaken, however, you've crammed an extra 'e' into an otherwise perfect response. I say that because I believe that you're addressing the infamous Peter, who has previously disgraced himself here with his "revisionist history" (read: holocaust denial) and admiration for Hitler.
Maxim.22 Feb 2007 13:58
I think you are making quite exaggerated comments concerning Peter. He is an extremely well read individual, and to accuse him unnecessarily of being a supporter of Hitler (because of your own very limited grasp of history) just goes to show why the Estonian community suffers from a dearth of young talent. I would recommend to Peter he continues to keep his distance from the community at large in order to keep more like-minded company among respectable intellectuals (myself included).
Tiritamm22 Feb 2007 06:10
Täitsa üllatav otsekohene jutt riigiülemalt. Kujutan ette et Putin on momendil tulist viha täis ja talitab ka kättemaksu kuid tont teab mis kujul.
Tõnu Jürvetson22 Feb 2007 00:15
Olen uhke ja südamest tänulik meie julge, ausa ja auväärse Presidendile, kes tõesti kaitseb Eesti Riiki ja rahvast. Ühineme ja toetame Teda!

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