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Toronto Eesti Maja uudiseid / Toronto Estonian House News
26 May 2014 EWR Online
In English, please see below.

Note the image is an early stage rendering of what the new building could look like but nothing is set at this point - pics/2014/05/42275_001_t.jpg
Note the image is an early stage rendering of what the new building could look like but nothing is set at this point
On olnud tegevusrohke kevad Eesti Maja juhatusel ja meie ühiskonnal. Kalender on olnud täis! Meil oli informatsiooni koosolek Eesti Maja kasutajate organisatsioonidega jaanuaris. Me osalesime ka arutlustes koos Toronto Eesti Ühispanga, Tartu College’i ja Eesti Sihtkapital Kanadas (ESK)’ga 4. kandva organisatsiooni raames, et koostöös lähtuda Toronto eesti ühiskonna vajadustele. Aastapeakoosolekust, mis toimus 23. aprillil, oli lehes põhjalik ülevaade ja ka siin blogil. Sellele järgnes erakorraline koosolek koos ESK juhatusega 8. mail ja juhatuse koosolek 14. mail.

Tagapõhi kokkuvõttes

Aastapeakoosolekul esitas tuleviku komitee aruande tehtud tööst siiamaani. Eelmise aasta jooksul sai välja kuulutatud Request for Qualifications (RFQ) ja Request for Proposals (RFP). RFQ reklameeriti ehitajate ajakirjanduses ja saadeti kutse ka 60. ettevõtjale, kes tegelevad sellise ehitustööga ja teistele huvilistele. Vastuseid tuli 3, millest 2 olid sobivad.

Palusime siis nendel kahel, kes esitasid sobivaid kvalifikatsioone, esitada oma pakkumise. Saime ühe pakkumise. Nüüd on meil ehitusfirma kellega saame läbirääkimisi edasi viia, et täpsustada rahalisi, legaalseid ja tehnilisi spetsifikatsioone, millest tuleb koostamisele Letter of Intent (LOI). Kui meil on arusaamine mida see firma ootab täpsemate tingimuste näol ja ka millega ta on nõus leppima ja oleme koostanud soovitava kokkulepe sellel põhjal, siis esitame seda aktsionääridele hääletamiseks.

Lisaks oli peakoosolekul rohkesti sõnavõtte, mida juhatus on kuulda võtnud. Näiteks, kavatseme proovida rohkem sidet pidada ühiskonnaga ja tihedamini lehes avaldada uudiseid ja oma veebilehti täiendada.

Maikuu tegevus

Pidasime erakorralise koosoleku ESK’ga, et selgitada kas ja mis tingimustega lisaks ESK oma majad (kinnisvara), mis on Eesti Maja naabrid, projektile. Koosoleku tulemus oli et ESK kirjutab oma poolt lepingu ettepaneku, mida siis tuleb arutada. Selle lepingu esimene versioon saab valmis juuni lõpu poole ja kuna selline leping mõjutaks LOI’d, siis aktsionääride koosolek toimub peale selle protsessi läbiviimist.

Pidasime ka juhatuse koosoleku, nagu on tavaks iga kuu, kus igapäevased asjaajamised ja tuleviku projekt olid mõlemad tähtsad arutluspunktid. Kinnitasime omavahel ka muidugi Eesti Maja tähtsust meie ühiskonnas. Selle effektiivseks tulevikuks kavatseme eesti organisatsioonidega, kes Eesti Maja kasutavad, tihedamini ühenduses olla, et oma koostööd paremini edasi viia. Kutsume kõiki oma arvamusi avaldama ja küsimusi esitama aadressile ja me vastame isiklikult või lehes. Suur tänu Avo Kittaskile tema panuse eest juhatuses ja tema jätkuva töö eest ESTore’i ärijuhina.

May News Updates

Both the Estonian House board and our community have had an active spring. The calendar has been full! We held an information meeting for the Esto House user organizations in January. We also participated in discussions with the Estonian Toronto Credit Union, Tartu College and the Estonian Foundation of Canada (EFC), as a member of the 4 pillar organizations to cooperatively address the needs of the Toronto Estonian community. We had our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on April 23, which was well reported in the Toronto Estonian news and here in this blog. Subsequently, we had a special meeting with the EFC Board of Directors on May 8, and our own directors’ meeting on May 14.

Background Summary

The Esto House future committee presented the work done to date at the AGM. During the past year, the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was released, followed by a Request for Proposals (RFP). The RFQ was advertised in magazines and through other builders’ channels, and was also sent individually to 60 potential contenders, who work in this business. It was also sent to other interested parties. We got 3 responses, of which 2 were deemed suitable.

We then asked the two contenders who qualified to present their proposals through the RFP process, and received one proposal. Thus we now have a firm, with whom to continue discussions and negotiations to specify financial, legal and technical details in a Letter of Intent (LOI). Once we have an understanding of their expectations and flexibility, and have drafted a proposed agreement, we will then present this to the shareholders for a vote.

There were lots of questions raised at the AGM, and the Board is listening. For example, we will strive for more frequent communications with the community, including more frequent updates in the news media and on our website.

Activities in May

There was a special meeting with the EFC, to clarify whether and how EFC real estate adjacent to the Esto House would/could be included in the project. The outcome of the meeting was that EFC will draft a proposed agreement, which can then be discussed. The draft will be ready towards the end of June, and since the agreement will be needed for the LOI, we plan to hold the shareholders’ special meeting on the LOI when this process is also completed.

We also held a Board meeting, as we do monthly, at which ongoing administrative items as well as the renewal project were important points of discussion. We discussed the importance of the Estonian House to our community. To ensure its effectiveness we will be in closer contact with the Estonian organizations that use our facilities, to enhance our cooperation. We invite all community members to voice your opinions and ask your questions at and we will answer either personally or publicly. A big thank you goes to Avo Kittask for his contributions on the Board of Directors, and his continued role as the ESTore Manager.