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Küsimusi seoses uue eesti keskuse plaaniga Madisonil
12 Apr 2017 Tauno Mölder
 - pics/2017/04/49525_001.jpg
Seoses Madisoni projekti väljakuulutamisega 6. märtsil on eestlaste kogukonnal Torontos tekkinud terve rida küsimusi. Mitmed nendest küsimustest on juba ka leidnud vastuseid kas siis 29. märtsil korraldatud rahvakoosolekul, 5. aprillil toimunud panga aastakoosoleku ajal või siis Madisoni grupi poolt järgnenud PR kampaania käigus erinevate organisatsioonide koosolekutel.

EWR esitas suure osa nendest küsimustest Madison grupi esindajale kirjalikult juba 2. aprillil ja lisaks veel juurdetulnud küsimusi 10. aprillil pärast panga aastakoosolekut. Madisoni grupp nendele küsimustele tänaseks vastuseid ei ole meile saatnud.

Kuna Eesti Maja aastakoosoleku 25. aprilli kuupäev tuleb järjest lähemale, siis avaldame need küsimused siin avalikult, et Eesti Maja aktsionäridel oleks aega nende üle mõelda ja vajaduse korral neid ka EM juhatuse käest aastakoosolekul küsida.

1. Kas plaanitud keskusele on juba nimi välja mõeldud? Kui mitte, kas selleks kavatsetakse korraldada konkurss?

2. Kas uue keskuse kujundamiseks kavatsetakse korraldada konkurss?

3. Kui palju EM aktsiaid omavad Madisoni grupi ja EM juhatuse liikmed isiklikult?

4. Mis kuupäeval müüdi viimane EM aktsia?

5. Kas võiks aktsiaid uuesti müüa, et EM võlast lahti saada?

6. Kui uut keskust Madisonile mingil põhjusel ei tule, mis saab siis EM müügist saadud rahaga?

7. Kas EM’le on juba tehtud ostupakkumine?

8. Paistab, et Madisoni grupi liikmed loodavad suure enamuse uue keskuse eelarvest täita praeguse EM müügist saadud tuludega. Kui vahe jääb suuremaks kui loodetud, näiteks 4 – 5 miljonit, mis siis saab?

9. Is there a formal joint venture or incorporation currently representing the interests of TC, ETCU and ESK in the Madison Project?

10. If not, when is a corporation expected to be formalized to support the execution of the Madison Project?

11. What type of corporation is planned to represent the interests of the parties involved?

12. What is the estimated share capitalization and sources of initial capital for the new corporation?

13. What shares and what percentage of ownership would each of the 3 current parties or primary shareholders possess?

14. What corporate governance is currently in place regarding the Madison Project?

15. What are the processes for new parties/shareholders to participate in the corporation? (i.e. Is participation exclusive to “Estonian-Canadian” corporations, organizations, and identified individuals?)

16. What funding does ETCU estimate to contribute, finance and/or facilitate during the various phases of the Madison Project?

17. What funding does ESK estimate to contribute, finance and/or facilitate during the various phases of the Madison Project?

18. What funding does TC estimate to contribute, finance and/or facilitate during the various phases of the Madison Project?

19. TC has sizeable financial obligations remaining from the construction of VEMU, are any of the funds being projected or raised under the Madison Project being allocated toward eliminating or re-financing the debt remaining from the construction of VEMU?

20. Currently #11 Madison appears to be zoned for community use since Buddhist Church bought it in 1996. Is this correct? Once the project is complete, does bank expect to operate out of 11 Madison or from somewhere else?

21. What is the expected timeline between the completion of Phase 1 and the beginning of Phase 2 of the Madison Project?

22. Please confirm the current ownership status or #9 Madison and, should the property be made available for purchase, what entity will own #9 Madison at the time of purchase?

23. How will the purchase of #9 Madison be financed?

24. What entities are expected to own the assets and operating corporation representing the Madison Project?

25. What entity(ies) will assume governance, operational and financial responsibilities in the Madison Project when all planned phases are completed?

26. Will a “for profit” management company be incorporated or used to operate the facility on behalf of the primary parties owning the Madison Project?

27. How will current shareholders of EHL convert their interests/ shares when and if EHL opts to participate in the Madison Project?

28. What is the proposed usage model for Madison Project once completed? Who are envisioned to be the potential revenue generating anchor tenants (Estonian and non-Estonian), recurring and non-recurring revenue streams and other revenue.

29. Are there any existing Letters of Intent with potential anchor tenants that are not one of the participating parties or shareholders in the Madison Project?

30. Will any revenues be used to mitigate or subsidize usage (i.e. rents) of the Madison facilities by Estonian-Canadian organizations?