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A Profile in Courage!
22 Nov 2013 EWR Online





Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ)

President Kennedy’s Cabinet

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Federal Reserve





POST 2 PM (CST), NOVEMBER 22, 1963

JFK - pics/2013/11/40737_001.jpg

On an overcast damp fall afternoon in a R.H. King Collegiate science classroom in Scarborough, the school’s grade nine 59E class was writing its first high school exam [written composition], when the class’s science teacher, (and the exam’s monitor), Mr. Korba, walked over to the blackboard to write something. Most, if not all of the students believed that he was going to write the exam time remaining, as there was about 30 minutes left. Instead, on the blackboard Mr. Korba wrote: ‘PRESIDENT KENNEDY HAS BEEN SHOT’. The class continued to silently finish the exam, with the remaining time now also becoming a solemn moment of reflection and speculation about the fate of United States’ President John Fitzgerald Kennedy [JFK]. At the exam’s conclusion, the 59E class along with the other classes filed into the school yard with everyone wondering what could have happened in Dallas, and what could possibly happen next. That terrible day, November 22, 1963, would become permanently imprinted into [almost] everyone’s’ minds.

As the Swedish born son of Estonian parents who had fled to Sweden in the autumn of 1944 upon the Soviet army and secret police arrival in Estonia, this writer’s first thought was that this criminal event must have had something to do with the Soviet Union. [Our family and thousands of others would later emigrate to Canada when Sweden started returning to the Soviet Union independence and freedom fighting soldiers who had opposed the communist regime.]
In the United Nations, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev had raged against the West, shouting such slogans as “we will bury you.” In the beginning of President Kennedy’s term in 1961, the Cold War had escalated sharply with the building of the wall in Berlin [where the United States was keeping nuclear weapons ], and the CIA’s failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba which aimed to overthrow its new communist leader Fidel Castro. The subsequent Cuban missile crisis in the autumn of 1962, when the Soviet Union installed nuclear rockets in Cuba pointing at North America, brought the world to the brink of a nuclear confrontation.

In November 1963, these Cold War crises were still fresh in peoples’ minds, and seemed to validate the arrest of Marxist Lee Harvey Oswald, an American who had volunteered to live in Cuba and the Soviet Union. This information seemed to comprise a convincing scenario, but was it accurate?

During the last fifty years many researchers have studied President Kennedy’s murder and many books have been written about it, with many agreeing that the U.S. government’s fable of Lee Harvey Oswald as the lone assassin is a lie. What the researchers don’t agree upon is who actually was responsible for this crime.
Lee Harvey Oswald’s ex-wife Marina, speaking with author A.J. Weberman in 1994, probably summarized this crime best; “the answer to the Kennedy assassination is with the Federal Reserve Bank. Don’t underestimate that. It is wrong to blame it on [CIA official James] Angleton and the CIA per se only. This is only one finger of the same hand. The people who supply the money are above the CIA.”

This paper will look at some key evidence, and the motivations of various parties to carry out this crime against President Kennedy and the people of the United States, and it will summarize who stood to benefit from this murder.


In 1951 as a young Massachusetts Congressman, John Kennedy made an extensive tour through the Far East and Middle East Asia, gaining a personal understanding of the dynamics and issues in these regions. His November 14, 1951 radio broadcast summarized his thinking and approach to the politics in the Middle East. “We have appeared too frequently to the Arab world as being too ready to buttress an inequitable status quo, whether it has the imposition of foreign controls, the safety of foreign investment not too equitably made, or a domestic regime heedless of the crying need for reforms. The central core of our Middle East Policy is not the export of arms, or the show of armed might, but the export of ideas, techniques and the rebirth of our traditional sympathy for and understanding the desires of men to be free … We want, we may need allies in ideas, even in arms, but if we would have allies, we must first of all gather to ourselves friends.”

Kennedy’s goal was to implement just such a ‘balanced” U. S. foreign policy treating all nations and peoples in the Middle East as friends, without special consideration and support for Israel. This would not be well received by either the new Zionist state’s leadership or its American benefactors. Specifically, Kennedy did not want Israel to have nuclear weapons which would upset the balance of power in the Middle East, and thus he would try to monitor Israel’s nuclear program.

In 1955, Kennedy, with his speechwriter Ted Sorensen, wrote a book “Profiles in Courage,” [1957 Pulitzer Prize winner], which detailed stories of eight courageous United States Senators in the face of adversity. He wrote, “A man does what he must – in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures – and that is the basis of all human morality.”

Upon his election in 1960, President Kennedy quickly acquired many internal and external enemies. First he inherited enemies from his ambitious father Joseph, who had made his initial fortune working with the Mafia bootlegging whiskey during Prohibition, and who later was posted as United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom (1938-40). When his Mafia connections helped JFK win the 1960 presidential election, the expected payback as promised by Joseph, was to have been access to the White House, but instead they got his son, (John’s brother), Robert as an anti-Mafia crusading Attorney General.

In the 1930s, while working with the Mafia, Catholic, anti-war Joseph also had a flirtation with Nazism, and there was mutual acrimony with the Kennedy clan and the recently created, Rothschild supported, state of Israel. Jewish Mafia leader Meyer Lansky, who supported Israel and did not like Joseph’s pre World War II politics, swore a blood revenge on the entire family for “the sins of the father.”

It had been rumored prior to his presidency that John Kennedy wanted to issue interest-free money [“greenbacks”]. In conversation with friend DeWest Hooker, Joseph stated, that once John was firmly established in the presidency, he would move against the Federal Reserve and would issue money independent of the “the Rothschild-dominated Federal Reserve”.


After being elected to office, President Kennedy created enemies in his own government when he stated that one of his goals was to have a transparent administration for ‘free and independent’ Americans. This approach would upset the status quo for the officials of the ‘secretive’ government agencies such as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

On April 27, 1961, shortly after being sworn into office, President Kennedy gave a speech to the American Newspaper Publishers Association at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York where he was very clear on his government’s approach to transparency. At this time, JFK may have believed that the publishers and editors in the press would be friends, and would be truthful and uncompromised.
In this speech, he said, “… two requirements that may seem almost contradictory in tone, but which must be reconciled and fulfilled if we are to meet this national peril. I refer, first, to the need for far greater public information; and, second, to the need for far greater official secrecy. The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it … there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know … And so it is to the printing press –
to the recorder of man’s deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news – that we look for strength and assistance, confident that with your help man will be what he was born to be: free and independent”.

On March 1, 1961, Kennedy achieved one of his altruistic objectives for the United States with the creation of the Peace Corps. Via this ‘world peace and friendship’ organization, Kennedy hoped to create future fair-minded and empathetic U.S. Foreign Service personnel.
Peace Corps Director Sargent Shriver called President Kennedy on April 2, 1963, to tell him, “despite your instructions, some of our friends over in the Central Intelligence Agency might think they’re smarter than anybody else, and that they are trying to stick fellows into the Peace Corps.”

By the end of 1960, it had become obvious that Israel was building a nuclear facility at Dimona. Although Kennedy was intellectually and emotionally committed to halting the spread of nuclear weapons, he became frustrated by the lack of access that Israel gave American inspectors to Dimona. Israel’s nuclear development led to many battles between President Kennedy and Israeli Prime Minister Ben-Gurion, who as Seymour Hersh said, “had no intention of permitting a legitimate inspection – for obvious reasons.” The Israeli nuclear facility was also a major impediment to one of JFK’s foreign policy ambitions –
a balanced Middle East, which included a rapprochement with Nasser’s Egypt.

As his term progressed, Kennedy was well aware that his stance for Dimona inspections could compromise the Jewish political support that had helped him win office in 1960, and which he would need again in his 1964 campaign.

National Security Council representative Carl Kasen said, “there were two subjects that you could get the President started on and he’d talk for hours. One was the gold standard and the other was nonproliferation.”

On June 4, 1963, President Kennedy issued a Presidential Decree, Executive Order 11110, which gave the United States Treasury the power “to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury … and to coin standard silver dollars and subsidiary silver currency for their redemption,” thus issuing debt-free U.S. currency outside of the Federal Reserve. With this Executive Order, President Kennedy had eliminated the money creation monopoly of the Federal Reserve. This would have reduced (or potentially eliminated) the power and profits of international and American shareholders of the U.S. Federal Reserve Banks which included the Rothschild, Warburg, Schiff, Rockefeller, Harriman and Morgan (representing the Rothschild ) families. [These same families were behind the Federal Reserve’s creation on December 23, 1913, granting themselves the monopoly power to print the United States government’s currency. ]

On October 10, 1963, in a meeting with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, Gromyko conceded to Kennedy’s “some progress” in relations between the two countries since they recently had been on the brink of a nuclear confrontation. “You are right Mr. President, there is a change in the atmosphere in the broad sense of this word, information atmosphere, but in more narrow but important one, that is our relations between United States and Soviet Union, concerned.”
On October 31, 1963, a ‘Department of Defense Memorandum for the Director, Joint Staff’ issued an order, [declassified July 1, 1997], which stated that 1,000 [of the 16,000] U.S. Military personnel be withdrawn from Vietnam. President Kennedy wanted to reduce the U.S. role in the conflict in Vietnam. His recorded comment on November 4th upon hearing about South Vietnam President Diem’s assassination; “I was shocked by the death of Diem and Nhu … he held his country together to maintain its independence under very adverse conditions. The way he was killed [executed by the CIA] made it particularly abhorrent.”
Michael Collins Piper wrote; “On November 20, 1963, Kennedy’s delegation at the United Nations called for continuing movement toward the implementation of the 1948 UN resolution which called for the right of displaced Palestinian Arabs to return to their homes (in Israel) and for those who chose not to return to their homes to be compensated.” This further upset the Israelis and its U.S. lobby.

Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ)

Texan Lyndon Johnson was the Democratic Party’s Senate Majority Leader and a strong contender to become the Party’s Presidential candidate in 1960. When Kennedy won, Johnson was offered the position of Vice-President in an attempt to maintain the southern votes that Johnson would attract. After the election, LBJ made several attempts as Vice President to increase his power and prestige, but he was rebuffed in his endeavors and continued to stay upset that he had not won the Democratic Party’s Presidential nomination. CIA Agent E. Howard Hunt on his deathbed commented about Johnson, “… he, in my opinion, had an almost maniacal urge to become President …”

Johnson was known as a man with a “steadfast history of loyalty to Israel and its American lobby.” Prior to World War II, he assisted German Jewish refugees to get asylum in America, earning Jewish respect and financial backing in Texas.

President Kennedy, Vice President Johnson and Governor Connally, agreed to Kennedy’s Dallas trip on June 5, 1963 in a meeting in El Paso. The purpose of the trip was to help unify Democratic Part support. Regarding the motorcade route, “it would be automatic for the secret service to arrange the route which would, in the time allotted, bring the President through an area which exposes him to the greatest number of people”.

According to Johnson’s mistress Madeleine Duncan Brown, LBJ was aware the day before Kennedy arrived in Dallas that something severe was going to happen. She said that evening Johnson stated, “after tomorrow, those s.o.b.’s will never embarrass me again, that’s no threat, that’s a promise - the Irish mafia … there were violent feelings that have never been told that was between those two people [LBJ and JFK]... and at the Texas Hotel - and John Connally is so worried or concerned, and after Air Force One got to Love field … Air Force One was full of glee, and John Connally has this far away look.”

President Kennedy’s Cabinet

When JFK put his cabinet together, he included many secret society members such as Averell Harriman, Assistant Secretary and Undersecretary of State [Skull and Bones 1913 ]; McGeorge Bundy, Director of National Security, [Skull and Bones 1940 ]; and William Bundy, deputy to Assistant Secretary for International Security Affairs [Skull and Bones 1939 ]. These were the hawks in the Kennedy cabinet that pushed for escalating the war in Viet Nam, and were responsible for the arrest and execution of South Viet Nam President Ngo Dinh Diem and his brother, while President Kennedy believed they were being sent into exile.

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

The CIA with its “Executive Action” assassination squads, regime change units, and Mafia and European underworld connections, was in direct opposition to President Kennedy’s altruistic foreign policy approach. Though the CIA was aware of JFK’s opposition, the unit continued to operate in a stealth manner. Eventually CIA Foreign Intelligence staff member William Harvey was fired , as was CIA Director Allen Dulles for the Cuba Bay of Pigs fiasco. Kennedy wanted “to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.”

CIA’s Chief of Counterintelligence and the Head of its Israeli desk was James J. Angleton. As Angleton had direct ties to Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion he would have been aware of the conflict between Kennedy and Ben-Gurion over Dimona inspections.

Angleton’s relationship with the Israelis was first established while he was serving with the United States Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in Italy working with Jewish resistance groups at the close of World War II. He arranged for a CIA and Mossad operational-intelligence exchange agreement which provided the United States with intelligence about the Arab states according to former CIA advisor W.C Eveland

Angleton also had relationships with clandestine organizations around the globe, including the Meyer Lansky linked organized crime operations in America and Europe. During World War II, Angleton, brokered a deal via Lansky with the Cosa Nostra to end dockworker dissent.

This connection helped provide access to the ‘French Connection’ drug kingpin and notorious assassin Michael Victor Mertz who according to a CIA memo was in Dallas on that fateful day, and may have been the second shooter. Mertz had ties to the Trafficante and Marcello heroin networks, often using aliases to help escape detection, but CIA documents also show that Mertz was deported 48 hours after the assassination. [This is similar to post 9/11 in 2001 when the Bin Laden family and Israeli Mossad agents were deported, without testifying.]

There is also the strange case of CIA Agent George Herbert Walker Bush [Skull and Bones 1948 ] as one of a handful of adult Americans who did not know where he was on November 22, 1963, although there are pictures and documents placing Bush in Dallas near the book depository. What is even stranger, Bush (another Texan), also almost became President by assassination when family friend James Hinckley attempted to kill President Reagan on March 31, 1981, after Bush had lost the 1980 Republican Presidential nomination. [Was it coincidence that George H.W. Bush’s son, George W. Bush [Skull and Bones 1968], became President via vote fraud, and was in office when the 2001 9/11 crime was committed against America?]

Federal Reserve

If President Kennedy had shown the same fealty to the global banker cabal that previous Democratic Presidents had early in their terms, (Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act on December 23, 1913; and Franklin Delano Roosevelt [FDR] confiscated private American citizens’ gold holdings on April 5, 1933), then JFK could possibly have also been a multiple term President.

Because President Kennedy’s monetary policy included printing debt-free government money, his fate would be similar to those of previous U.S. Presidents, [Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield and William McKinley], who also were assassinated while holding office, because their monetary policies were designed to assist Americans, challenging the power of the international bankers.
It is also important to remember the fate of Jesus after he “went into the temple of God and cast out all of them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves.”


There are many Mafia connections to the Kennedy assassinations. Exposing those murky relationships is done best by author Michael Collins Piper in his book ‘Final Judgment’ This author looks at only a few of these relationships.

In 1960, Joseph Kennedy recruited Chicago Mafia boss Sam Giancana to help elect John, and this was done via vote frauds in Chicago and Texas. The quid pro quo of access to the White House that had been promised by Joe however was not forthcoming to Giancana from either John or Robert after the election.

Meyer Lansky was a leading supporter of Israel with ties to Israel’s CIA allies, Mossad’s European money laundering banks, and the Mafia including New Orleans boss Carlos Marcello. In 1963, JFK’s brother Robert had initiated prosecutions against Mafia targets including Marcello, West Coast boss Mickey Cohen, and Lansky himself. As Lansky and Marcello had financially supported Lyndon Johnson, the vice-president was also potentially criminally vulnerable.
In early 1963, Marcello was looking for “a nut” to take the fall for JFK’s Murder.

In 1978, Tampa Mafia Don Santo Trafficante Jr., who had ties to Cuba and to New Orleans Mafia boss Marcello, told the House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations [HSCA] that his 1962 comment, “Kennedy was going to get hit”, was just speculation about JFK’s re-election chances in 1964.
Marcello, who had been previously deported by Robert, also had made threats against both Kennedys. Both Trafficante (to his attorney), and Marcello (to a jailhouse informant) eventually confessed to roles in JFK’s murder.
Sam Giancana’s biography states that Jack Ruby, [Jacob Leon Rubenstein], who silenced Oswald to protect the conspirators, “was an integral figure in joint Gulf Coast operations between the CIA and the Lansky Syndicate.” Ruby also had connections to the French Connection narcotics arm in Texas. After Ruby killed Oswald, Lansky lawyer, Melvin Belli provided Ruby’s defense at his trial, but Ruby was still found guilty and sentenced to death . After appealing that verdict, Ruby was to receive a new trial, but mysteriously just before that trial was to begin; he either died of a fast cancer, or was able to make a flight to Israel.


On November 2, 1917, British Foreign Secretary Lord Arthur Balfour sent Lord Rothschild a note acknowledging British support for Zionist aspirations by committing to two nation states on the territory of Palestine stating; ”His Majesty's Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing
shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.” [Coincidentally, at that same time, the Zionist bankers were financing the Lenin and Trotsky led Bolsheviks to take control of the ‘Russian Revolution’ in St. Petersburg.]

Prior to the declaration of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948, the Zionist terrorist organization Irgun led by Menachem Begin carried out many terrorist attacks including the July 1946 bombing of the British headquarters in the King David Hotel in Jerusalem which resulted in 91 deaths. Bombings and sabotage continued, and in 1954 American, British and civilian targets in Egypt were hit resulting in the resignation of Defense Minister Lavon with David Ben-Gurion taking power. These terror attacks were often falsely blamed on Arabs, Palestinians or Egyptians.

Right from the beginning of his term, Israeli politicians considered President Kennedy an enemy because he wanted to pursue a balanced foreign policy towards all Middle Eastern nations and peoples, and he placed ”America’s interests – not Israel’s interests – at the center of U.S. Middle East policy”.
JFK was also anxious to resolve the Palestinian refugee issue in a fair manner, wanting to implement the 1949 United Nations Resolution 194 which would allow the refugees, [approved by Israel], to return to their former homes, while compensating those who did not wish or were not approved to return. The State Department’s Armin Meyer believed that Ben-Gurion thought that the Arabs would not accept any direct negotiation with Israel as that could imply formal recognition, but when Arab rejection did not occur, Meyer believed that “Israel panicked and provoked a wave of intense political pressure from American Jews upon the White House,” forcing Kennedy to back off, leaving the Palestinians as “stateless refugees in their squalid homes in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.”

President Kennedy’s policies also caused much consternation in Congress and Senate as many U.S. politicians were beholden to the Israeli lobby for campaign contributions and political leverage, so there was constant and strong pressure on the White House to make a favorable pact with Israel. As Israel’s secret nuclear operation was well underway at Dimona, JFK wanted to monitor its progress to see that its intent was peaceful as Israel claimed, but inspection was not permitted. Eventually Ben-Gurion decided he had to allow inspections to get access to U.S. Hawk surface-to-air defensive missiles, but he tried to deceive Kennedy’s officials by building a false control room at the Dimona plant for the inspectors to visit, while keeping them from the reactor core.

JFK did not want to supply Israel with offensive weaponry as that would upset the balance of power in the Middle East, and his goal was to continue to limit the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Author Seymour Hersh wrote, Israel’s bomb and what to do about it became a White House fixation, part of the secret presidential agenda that would remain hidden for the next thirty years.”

Author M.C. Piper summarized the impact of President Kennedy’s policies,” in mid 1963 Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion hated Kennedy with a passion. In fact he considered JFK a threat to the very survival of the Israeli state.” Piper also stated, “The state of Israel had integral links with all of the power groups that wanted John F. Kennedy removed from the American presidency.”


After President Kennedy was murdered on November 22, 1963, the Warren Commission was established by the United States government on November 29, 1963 to analyze the assassination and to provide -“full and truthful knowledge concerning these events … appraise this tragedy by light of reason and the standard of fairness … with a deep awareness of the Commission’s responsibility to the American people.” Question: what does “appraise this tragedy by light of reason and the standard of fairness” have to do with the “truth”?

That aside, the Commission discounted all evidence that Oswald, Ruby, or Federal, State or local officials were part of a conspiracy. Thus the WC Report kept to the “lone gunman acting alone” theory, and determined that only Lee Harvey Oswald’s motives were to be looked at.

In the WC Report, the bullet that killed JFK chapter was called the “The Subsequent Bullet that Hit”, with the description that, “after a bullet penetrated President Kennedy’s neck, a subsequent shot entered the back of his head and exited through the upper right portion of his skull.” The WC gave no indication that this bullet could have come from any other location other than the sixth floor window of the book depository, even after evaluating Abraham Zapruder’s film of the motorcade. That film appears to convincingly show President Kennedy’s head snapping backwards, meaning that bullet’s trajectory must have been from the front. In 1964, the Zapruder film was available to the Warren Commission , but it was not shown to the U.S. public until 1975. The film was purchased by Time-Life International Managing Director and CIA Agent General Charles Douglas Jackson, and kept from public view. General Jackson died of unknown causes in September 1964. Time-Life magazine publisher Henry Luce, [Skull and Bones 1920 ], was a long-time friend of Joseph Kennedy and the Kennedy family. When the Zapruder film was finally released to the public in 1975, it helped initiate the House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations.

Five important items excluded from the Warren Commission Report were . . .
1. Two Dallas policemen on routine patrol reported to the FBI, that on Wednesday, November 20,th, they “noticed several men standing behind a wooden fence on the grassy knoll overlooking the plaza .The men were engaged in what appeared to be mock target practice aiming rifles over the fence in the direction of the plaza.” The FBI issued a report about it on November 26, 1963, but that report disappeared until 1978. The motorcade route had been confirmed on November 18.
2. Government Agent Emory Roberts called back President Kennedy’s automobile secret service security as the motorcade began the Dallas tour. [This was important as it eliminated any ground level obstructions for shooting the ‘subsequent bullet.’] The WC mentions the seating arrangements of agents in the President’s car, but no mention of calling back the bodyguards who should have been riding on the bumpers.
3. A trajectory analysis of the ‘subsequent bullet’ in line with the visual evidence of the Zapruder film is missing. The WC instead merely stated, “another bullet then struck President Kennedy in the rear portion of the head, causing a massive and fatal wound,” and thus accepting, “The autopsy report stated the cause of death as “Gunshot wound, head” and the bullets which struck the President were described as having been fired “from a point behind and somewhat above the level of the deceased.”
4. No mention is made of Lee Harvey Oswald’s verbal discourse with the press in the Dallas jailhouse, which contradicts what the Warren Commission reported. Oswald stated; “I’d like some legal representation, these police officers have not allowed me to have any. I don’t know what this is all about … [press questions] … I work in that building, naturally if I work in the building, yes sir” … [responding to specific press question “did you shoot the President”] … no, they’re taking me in because I lived in the Soviet Union. I’m just a patsy!” The WC Report states; “He [Oswald] was advised of his right to counsel … which he rejected at that time.”
5. Jack Ruby was not allowed to go to Washington to testify before the Warren Commission. He feared for his life in Dallas and told Chief Justice Earl Warren that in Washington he could explain what happened. “Gentlemen, I want to tell the truth, but I cannot tell it here. If you want a fair shake out of me, you have to take me to Washington.” Ruby did give a statement to the WC in Dallas, which the WC summarized; “the Commission has found no evidence that Jack Ruby acted with any other person in the killing of Lee Harvey Oswald.”

However, communicated in the WC Report were the cries at the Dealey Plaza crime scene with Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy crying out, “Oh, my God, they have shot my husband. I love you, Jack … What are they doing to you”” ; and wounded Texas Governor Connally shouting “Oh, no, no, no. My God, they are going to kill us all.”

Both Mrs. Kennedy and Governor Connally were referring to “they”; not “who”! They were well aware that President Kennedy had enemies who opposed his policies and wanted him removed from office.

Evidence which could possibly expose President Kennedy’s enemies was discounted by the Warren Commission, which is not surprising based upon who, President [by assassination and Master Mason ] Lyndon Baines Johnson selected to be its commissioners.
1. Earl Warren, Chairman of the Warren Commission, Chief Justice,
previously Attorney General and Governor of California, in 1935 the
Grand Master of the Freemasons for the state of California,
2. John J McCloy, Chairman of the Council of Foreign Relations, Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank, Trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation, Office of Strategic Services (OSS),
3. Senator John Sherman Copper from Kentucky, Delegate to the United Nations, Ambassador to India,
4. Senator Richard B. Russell Jr., Governor/Senator/Mason from Georgia, member of founding Skull and Bones family [Russell Trust Association ] ; doubted the single bullet theory that the first bullet which hit President Kennedy also hit Connally,
5. Allen Dulles, Council of Foreign Relations (CFR),Office of Strategic Services (OSS), former CIA Director fired by President Kennedy in November 1961,
6. Representative Gerald R. Ford from Michigan, highest level 33 degree Mason, football lineman at Michigan,
7. Representative Hale Boggs from Louisiana, Majority House Whip, the only dissenting voice on the Warren Commission, who after criticizing FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover died in a mysterious airplane crash in Alaska in 1972, along with Alaska Congressman Nick Begich, [whose son Nick Jr. later exposed the U.S. governments High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) and wrote ‘Controlling the Human Mind’].

The Warren Commissioners objective was to present a case, [not the truth], that would divert the American public’s attention away from the culprits who actually carried out the assassination. Earl Warren pushed for a unanimous opinion, though Boggs, Russell and Cooper had reservations. According to author Jim Newton in ‘Justice for All: Earl Warren and the Nation He Made,’ Penguin Group, 2007, “a 1963 FBI memo released in 2008, Ford secretly provided the FBI with information about two of his fellow commission members, both of whom were unsure about the FBI's conclusions about the assassination.”

It appears that LBJ selected fired CIA Director Allan Dulles into the Warren Commission to help obfuscate CIA evidence that could point to the conspirators. Dulles’s response to fellow WC members as to whether CIA supervisors would ’tell about agents under oath’ was, “I wouldn’t think he would tell under oath, no - he ought not tell it under oath. Maybe not tell it to his own government”
This resulted in no CIA officials being questioned about their agents.

James Angleton, in addition to being the CIA’s Chief of Counterintelligence and the Head of its Israeli desk was also the CIA’s “overseer” of the Warren Commission investigation. In that role he confiscated potentially damaging papers and documents from people with CIA connections to the assassination - such as the manuscript and files of Winston Scott who was CIA Station Chief in Mexico City when Oswald’s (fraudulent? ) intelligence legend was created.
Angleton also had Mary Meyer Pinchot, JFK’s “special friend”, tailed, murdered, and her diary confiscated, as she was unhappy with the WC Report and wanted to set the record straight. Mary Meyer Pinchot was the ex-wife of Cord Meyer Jr., the CIA agent responsible for major media manipulation via the secret ‘Operation Mockingbird’ program. Cord Meyer’s role in the assassination was identified by CIA Agent E. Howard Hunt in his deathbed confession thus, “we backtracked the chain of command up through Cord Meyer, and laying the, the doings at the doorstep of LBJ …

Angleton tried to paint Kennedy’s assassination as a KGB event, and Oswald as a KGB agent. However, Soviet KGB defector Yuri Nosenko’s insistent testimony, that Oswald was not a KGB agent, stayed consistent, even after Angleton subjected him to 1,277 days of torture, questioning and deprivation.
The conspirators were also fortunate that many witnesses who could have contradicted the Warren Commission Report died unexpectedly shortly after the assassination. [The mysterious deaths of many witnesses, tied to the JFK assassination, are detailed by Richard Belzer and David Wayne in the book ‘Hit List’, [Skyhorse Publishing, Delaware, 2013].

Thus the cabal of secret society members selected by President Johnson for the WC did what they were expected to do, laying the crime on “one dead patsy!” Was it a coincidence, or was it part of an occult plan that President Kennedy was killed in Dallas, just 10 miles south of the 33 degree latitude north?]

In summary, the WC position was, ”these conclusions represent the reasoned judgment of all members of the Commission, and are presented after an investigation which has satisfied the Commission that it has ascertained the truth concerning the assassination of President Kennedy, with the WC’s truth and conclusion being, “the Commission has found no evidence that anyone assisted Oswald in planning or carrying out the assassination.”


In 1976, after it had been established that the CIA had ties to other assassinations and the Zapruder film had finally been made public in 1975, the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) was created, with the purpose of investigating the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., and the attempted assassination of Alabama Governor George Wallace. The HSCA Committee in its 1978 final report concluded that, “scientific acoustical evidence establishes a high probability that two gunmen fired at President John F. Kennedy … was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy,” and that conspiracy likely did not include the governments of the Soviet Union, Cuba or any anti Castro factions. In other words, the Warren Commission Report was discredited! The HSCA report still tried to whitewash the FBI and CIA by saying “they were not involved.”

When the Zapruder film which Time-Life kept under cover was finally released, some frames appear to have been altered with others removed, as the film does not concur with eyewitness reports that the driver, Secret Service Agent William Greer, brought the motorcade to a halt. There is also speculation that the complete film would show more than three shots as many witnesses, including Agent Kellerman in the President’s car, heard a flurry of shots.

In 2003, HSCA staff director and chief counsel Robert Blakey issued this statement about the CIA: “The Agency unilaterally deprived the commission of a chance to obtain the full truth, which will now never be known. Significantly, the Warren Commission's conclusion that the agencies of the government co-operated with it is, in retrospect, not the truth. We also now know that the Agency set up a process that could only have been designed to frustrate the ability of the committee in 1976-79 to obtain any information that might adversely affect the Agency. ... I no longer believe that we were able to conduct an appropriate investigation of the [Central Intelligence] Agency and its relationship to Oswald.... We now know that the Agency withheld from the Warren Commission the CIA-Mafia plots to kill Castro. Had the commission known of the plots, it would have followed a different path in its investigation.. Many have told me that the culture of the Agency is one of prevarication and dissimulation and that you cannot trust it or its people. Period. End of story.
I am now in that camp.”

It was later revealed that Blakey, who tried to implicate Cuba as the cause for the murder, was himself connected to the Mafia as he worked for Morris “Moe” Dalitz, ”a former bootlegger turned Las Vegas casino boss, who had long-standing and close personal and business ties with Meyer Lansky.”

The HSCA also stated that, “Ruby’s shooting of Oswald was not a spontaneous act … it was less likely that Ruby entered the police basement without assistance … there is also evidence that the Dallas Police Department withheld relevant information from the Warren Commission concerning Ruby’s entry to the scene of the Oswald transfer.” Oswald had to be eliminated because of his ties to CIA and Naval Intelligence, and if he was allowed to speak in a court of law, it might not be possible to protect the guilty!

The value of the HSCA report is that it shows the Warren Commission Report to have been incomplete, and merely a creation by U.S. government insiders, to protect those U.S, government and foreign insiders. The HSCA report concluded “The Warren Commission failed to investigate adequately the possibility of a conspiracy to assassinate the President.”

[Under Congressional rules, all evidence is to remain sealed until 2029.]

With a smile, a wink and a smirk on Air Force One, Lyndon Baines Johnson was sworn in as President of the United States later that day. The photo of Johnson smiling to winking friend Texas Congressman Albert Thomas, with Ladybird Johnson holding back a smirk beside a grief stricken Mrs. Kennedy, illustrates that the conspiracy was successfully carried out. [Photo by Cecil Stoughton]

Landing in Washington that evening, Mrs. Kennedy stayed in her blood drenched clothes, stating several times; “I want them to see what they’ve done.”
After Lyndon Johnson became President of the United States, he immediately abandoned JFK’s Executive Order 11110, so no more debt-free United States silver based Treasury Notes were printed, returning monopoly, currency printing power back to the Federal Reserve.
He also immediately reversed Kennedy’s order withdrawing 1000 U.S. troops from Vietnam. Then using an August 2nd 1964 ‘unprovoked’ attack against the USS Maddox [that was monitoring North Vietnamese activity in the Gulf of Tonkin], and a ‘phantom’ non-attack two days later, Johnson was able to pass the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in Congress, giving him pre-approval for any military action he wanted to take. Thus the U.S. became more deeply involved in the quagmire of Viet Nam, ultimately involving half a million American troops in a war that it eventually had to abandon. With U.S. forces close by, the CIA and the Lansky crime syndicate was able to lock up the Southeast Asia drug trade.
Johnson also changed the U.S. Middle East foreign policy by initiating the tighter, more supportive relationship that Israel always had wanted with the United States, at the expense of the other Middle Eastern countries. Increasingly the U.S. sent more aid dollars and offensive armaments to Israel , and the United States government looked the other way as the Israeli nuclear weapons program expanded. LBJ had always been a close ally with the Israeli lobby and their friends in the CIA having done their bidding in the Senate. American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) director I.L. Kenan, in a November 26 memo hailed Johnson’s “front rank pro-Israel position” during his Senate tenure and indicated that the Israeli lobby was delighted when he became President.
In September 1964, nine months after his brother’s assassination, Robert Kennedy left his post as attorney general in the Johnson administration, to run as Senator for New York State. This brought an end to the aggressive crackdown on the Mafia and the Meyer Lansky organized crime syndicate.
In June 1967, Israeli initiated the Six Day War against its Arab neighbor states, in anticipation of an ‘impending’ attack, capturing the Sinai, West Bank, Golan Heights and the Old City of Jerusalem. According to a National Security Agency (NSA) official, ‘Jim Angleton and the Israelis spent a year cooking up the ’67 war. It was a CIA operation designed to get [Egypt’s Gamal Abdel] Nasser.’
During the War, Israeli forces also attacked the American ship USS Liberty that was monitoring the War in the Mediterranean, killing 34 and wounding 171 U.S. servicemen, even though “it had been identified as an American ship before the attack”. Johnson’s policy was to downplay this deliberate attack on the Liberty in the media not exposing Israel to American criticism. Eventually Israel paid over $12 million compensation to survivors, victims’ families and for ship damages. At this same time, a new policy was enacted by American ambassador to Israel, Walworth Barbour, stating U.S. embassy military attaches no longer were required to report about Dimona.
In 1972, former Michigan lineman Gerald Ford, who also blocked for the Warren Commission, was rewarded by being appointed as the unelected Vice-President when Spiro Agnew had to resign, and then in 1974 he became the unelected President when Richard Nixon resigned.
In 1988, on the 25th anniversary of President Kennedy’s assassination, Time Inc. published a book ‘LIFE in Camelot’. In this ‘memorial’ edition, no mention was made that Time-Life kept the Zapruder film from public view for 12 years, or that the 1978 HSCA Report concluded that the President “was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy”. This book maintained the Warren Commission lies, identifying Oswald as the lone shooter, and misrepresenting how the bullets struck the President. “The first bullet pierced the back of his head and exited from his throat”, and “the “fatal bullet … smashed into the right rear of Kennedy’s skull causing him to lurch backwards.” Time-Life which had special access to the Kennedy family for many years had no shame in exploiting the Kennedy’s for more sales, while betraying the truth about John’s murder.


Who were the “they” that both Mrs. Kennedy and Governor Connally referred to at the time of the assassination? Who had the motivation, the means and opportunity to assassinate President Kennedy, and who benefited?

After America’s first Catholic President was murdered while in office, (and thus unable to run for a second term), the major beneficiaries of this crime were; Lyndon Baines Johnson, the CIA, the National Crime Syndicate-Mafia, the U.S. Federal Reserve Banks, Israel, and Gerald Ford. For these conspirators, the Warren Commission deception of a ‘single gunman’ helped divert attention from those who gained the most from the assassination.

Who lost the most; President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, his family, ‘free and independent Americans’ who believed in an honest, open country and government, and the other nations of the globe whom President Kennedy wanted to treat as friends!

Of the many books written about the assassination, few mention JFK’s Executive Order 11110 to print debt-free money, and even fewer mention JFK’s differences with Israel on its nuclear program. As Seymour Hersh said, “Israel’s bomb, and what to do about it, became a White House fixation, part of the secret presidential agenda that would remain hidden for the next thirty years.”
Had these contentious issues not remained hidden, President Kennedy may not have been assassinated; or his murderers might have been identified and prosecuted. That the American mainstream media remained silent on these two important nation-defining issues, reflects the strength of the Israeli lobby’s influence in the American mainstream media, and its’ all powerful control over what information is revealed. It would be prudent to mention Voltaire’s quote which is appropriate in this situation: “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

Marina Oswald summarized accurately; “the answer to the Kennedy assassination is with the Federal Reserve Bank. Don’t underestimate that. It is wrong to blame it on [CIA official James] Angleton and the CIA per se only. This is only one finger of the same hand. The people who supply the money are above the CIA.” Marina Oswald’s astute comment makes us realize that fingers are controlled by a hand, arm, body and mind. This serves to teach the young that things are not always what the government and media make them appear to be, and that is what this author has learned post November 22, 1963.

President Kennedy in his speech to the American Newspaper Publishers Press in April 1961 repudiated “secrecy” and had expressed the hope “ the printing press – the recorder of man’s deeds, the keeper of his conscience” would help his government provide transparency to “free and independent” Americans.
Unfortunately, the press did not help him in his life, nor did it reveal the truth about his death. JFK stayed true to the characteristics of the heroes in his book “Profiles in Courage” by promoting policies he believed were best for his nation and its citizens, regardless of the personal peril in which he put himself!
John Kennedy knew who was the “they”, that wife Jacqueline and Governor Connally had referred to; “the people who are really well off, hate our guts.”

With President Kennedy’s violent death, America’s dream of an idyllic, altruistic Camelot faded, and that diversionary moment was again trumped by the secretive, insider controlling power of the financial, government, industrial and media elite, which through technology, reigns even more forcefully today – showing John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s comment; “a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people,” to be true!


Belzer R. and Wayne D., Hit List, Skyhorse Publishing, Delaware, 2013

Hersh S.M., The Samson Option: Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy,
Random House, Toronto, 1991

Kunhardt Jr. P.B., (edited by), Life in Camelot – The Kennedy Years, Little,
Brown and Company, Toronto, 1988

Marrs J., Rule By Secrecy, Harper Collins Publisher, New York, 2001

Mullins E., Secrets of the Federal Reserve, Bankers Research Institute, Staunton VA,

Piper M.C., Final Judgment, The Wolfe Press, Washington D.C., 1995

Southwell D., The History of Organized Crime, Carlton Books Limited, London, 2006

Tarpley W.G., & Chaitkin A., George Bush: the Unauthorized Biography, Executive
Intelligence Review, Washington D.C., 1992

Ventura J., 63 Documents the Government Does Not Want You to Read, Skyhorse
Publishing, Delaware, 2011

Waldron, L., Legacy of Secrecy, Counterpoint, Berkley, 2008

Waldron, L., Ultimate Sacrifice, Carroll and Graf, New York, 2005

Warren Commission Report

Widmer T., Listening - In The Secret White House Recordings of John F, Kennedy,
Hyperion, New York, 2012

Toomas Trei