Võidupühaks 2015
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
objekt20 Jun 2015 12:18
19. nov.1919.a. "Daily Herald" teatas: Me kontrollime Baltikumi, Soomet ja Poolat. Nende riikide iseseisvus on mõistagi vaid tinglik. Mitte ükski neist ei saa teha midagi ilma meie nõusolekuta. Sealsed valitsused olid võõra poliitika objektideks, mitte aga subjektideks, mida kasutati suurriikide omavahelistes poliitilistes mängudes.
Toomas Merilo03 Jul 2015 02:41
The Daily Herald was a radical left-wing UK paper in 1919 and strongly supported the Russian Revolution. The Herald also received substantial clandestine monetary support from the USSR in the 1920s.
tt03 Jul 2015 07:42
missing is the historic fact that the communist revolution was financed by german, british and american bankers ... who of course reaped the benefit of that revolution, germany was able to shut down the eastern front, and the american and british bankers made off with the wealth of the russian aristocracy

Toomas Merilo03 Jul 2015 02:54
The British News Paper archive is accessible on-line here

For a fee, one can check-out the 19 November 1919 edition of the Daily Herald… but, as I said, the Herald was a Soviet supported propaganda tool back then.
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